So I decided to attend the meeting last. Since I haven't gone in about 2 weeks, and I leave as soon as it ends, and elder decided to corner me at the end.
Lately I've been through some very depressing family issues that are non-jw related so I haven't been my best at acting like I care about the org. So this elder starts saying how much the brothers miss me (although that's total bullshit given that I've never received any calls or texts or emails from ANYONE) and told me that he could tell something was wrong. I told him that recently there had been some problems but that they were PERSONAL and no one needed to know about them. Then he insisted on asking what they were, after telling him that they were personal. So I just said "it's my business. NOT yours. And that's the way it will stay." Then he paused. Raised his right eyebrow and then said, "but I've been noticing that there's something about you, not just recently. This has been going on for a long time now. And, brother, as bad as it may seem to you, as an elder appointed by Holy Spirit it is my business!" I couldn't believe it! And the thing is that we weren't even in the back room! This was at the entrance of the hall. I got pissed. So I told him, "well apart from many other problems that I have which only me and Jehovah have the divine privilege of knowing, I've also just been doing lots of research and lots of thinking. About everything. And this has made me take a step back and just look at everything objectively." I knew that what I had said could raise even more eyebrows and could result in more problems later, but in that moment I just didn't care. I was angry. The elder then said and these are his exact words, "oh I see. Well you shouldn't think brother. Thinking will never lead you anywhere good. Satan wants us to think and think and think. The slave AND Jehovah only asks us to obey. That's it. No need to think at all." WTF?? I almost blurted that out. But I didn't. It wasn't just the fact that he didn't say "think too much", or the fact that he he was speaking in a louder tone so others could hear and having a nasty smirk while doing it, or that he put the governing body before god, but it was the fact that he was actually regurgitating exactly what the governing body actually says. This elder has served in bethel for over 25 years and is a special pioneer. And oh he had made me very mad! I dropped my briefcase, clenched my fists and stared him dead in the eyes and asked, "who created my body?" To which he, taken aback replied "umm, Jehovah". "Okay" I said, "so in that body there's also a brain. Who gave me that brain?" Then the elder said, "um Jehovah." "And what's the main function of the brain?" Then the elder just stared blankly at me, and said "oh haha, I see what you're doing. You think you know a lot huh? But you don't my brother." So I said "if Jehovah tells us to do something, we obey correct?" "Correct!", he responded with another smirk. Almost mockingly. So then I said "what if Jehovah told you to think?" The elder's sly smirk went away. He just stood there. Speechless. Frozen. He had no answer. At that point I grabbed my briefcase and as I headed for the door I said, "THINK ABOUT IT." And left. I haven't gotten a call yet but I wouldn't be surprised if I received any. Why are most elders such assholes? Appointed by Holy Spirit my ass.I wanted to punch this elder so bad!
by OneDayillBeFree 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sorry double post!
Sorry double post!
Wow that would be hard to take. You left without punching him which is very good. Hang in there. Don't answer your phone.
This Elder sounds like a Dick smaker to me. Or he could even be a Pally Wacker .. LoL.
He's just a nosy jerk who wants to know your business. He sounds Like trouble. Avoid him as much as you can.
Just wow... things getting more and more Jim Jones like in dub land. What a moron he is. Congrats for having the courage to stand your ground. Now at least he knows that you are not some pawn to be controlled.
WOW!!! Shows you how much kool-aid that stupid elder has been drinking. I'm surprised he hasn't drowned yet.
This elder is a bully but I bet you he backs off. I would skip meeting permanently from now on. He won't want to go head to head with you now that he knows you won't be submissive to him.
Good for you, standing up to him but not really showing him any of your cards.
OneDay-That was an interesting post. You were dead on when you said 'who gave me that brain and what is the main purpose of the brain'. Why would Jehovah give us a brain if we weren't supposed to use it. I we were only supposed to obey, why not just give everyone a brain stem to control the main bodily functions...
My mom once told me I thought too much when I posed questions to her about the 'borg. It as this 'borg is only for stupid, unthinking people...which of course seems to be the case.
"No need to think at all."
On the positive side, this elder doesn't seem to be a hypocrite... Sounds like he practices what he preaches...