dear Terry...
you asked: " I have to ask you what KIND of choice is a non-moral choice (4.) when it entails disobedience to God"...
Adam could easily have made many non-moral choices. everything was handed to him, he wasn't put into a position where he had to choose between obedience or disobedience (it was only the immediate introduction of such a choice that was his downfall) seems to me from reading the text...he'd never had a "moral" dilemma in which he could excersise his free will in this way before.
I never suggested anything about magical power but adam did have some realisation of his fall from grace.
you asked: "What benefit is there to a "moral code" in humans with a "fallen nature"? If Adam would not be obedient with his nature why would Adam's offspring possess greater ability in their own nature?"...
A&E fell from grace (they were no longer allowed to eat from the tree of life), they had the same "nature" both in the garden and out of the garden. that is the manner in which they took their "original sin" with them out of the garden, romans 5:12. the only way re-introduce the grace of God is to listen to Him...john 8:24
you asked: "What benefit is there to a "moral code" in humans with a "fallen nature"?...
I thought that we agreed that the moral code is taught/learned not something that is "in" us, per se.? is helpful to know your rights AND obligations within a community.
you said: "The "unity" of the people of God could only have reality if they ceased to have human nature."...
it is a new creation, a divine nature, one in which the old nature is overcome (with the help of the Holy Spirit) by imitating the heart and mind of that "being of one mind" IS unity of the Spirit.
love michelle