The "Flood" in Noah's day--why wasn't that Armageddon enough?

by Terry 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    The great day of God the Almighty certainly is a fit description for the destruction of men, women, children, grandmothers, infants and puppy dogs in the days of Noah.

    Why didn't destroying everybody on earth except a remnant of 8 count as Armageddon?

    I mean, if you are starting all over by genocide--shouldn't it count for more than bad temper?

    What are we missing?

  • Comatose

    Great question. Doesn't make sense. Because if the apologist argument is that they needed more time to fail to prove they can't rule then the flood was just an angry tirade. WT says man chose satan over god so he couldn't shield them from the angels coming down here and breeding Nephilim. Well, then why did he have to wipe it all out with a flood? He could have stopped the horny angels and didn't. So he shouldn't have made the flood. If the flood was just then it could have been Armageddon.

  • blondie

    The WTS explanation: the human race had devolved into evil too fast; not time enough for the Seed to appear. God was trying to set them back but eventually had to change one language to many. Also there was the issue of the human race being contaminated with angel DNA (or their human covering). It also got rid of that nasty temptation, the tree of life, some human might get immortality. Plus human lifespan was shortened significantly. Plus humans had not had enough time to test every form of human rule.

    That's all the trite things I have heard said about why the flood was not a substitute for Armageddon. Besides which I don't think 8 people was enough to satisfy there was no basis for humans to go to heaven.

  • free2beme

    Noah story is so interesting to study, as it claims to be something new to that time when told. But the story stole so many parts from other regional stories. I personally think, that much like the Christ Myth it is an example of one religion carrying over legends to new and other regional religions.

  • jam

    The bottom line, did the flood make the world better?

    Another brilliant plan by God.

  • Terry

    Seems to me Jehovah either stands back and allows mankind to reach Armageddon or He micro-manages human affairs like a meddling control freak.

    Why not create "the best of all possible worlds" to begin with?

    Why step back and allow extraordinarily evil people free reign on the one hand and sudden catastrophic punishment when it gets out of hand.

    (Didn't you see it coming? Sure you did!)

    If he is going to give "free will" at the point of a gun and STILL NOT ACHIEVE His aims---then allowing the clock to run on yet another Armageddon-style

    holacaust just seems pointless and redundant.

    Personally, I just think so many stories over so many centuries by so many different people WITHOUT A PLOTLINE has led to the mishmash of theology

    we extrapolate as "God's Purpose" and get nowhere in so doing.

    There really isn't a "through-line" in scripture. It is Ad Hoc.

    God's DIVINE PLAN really isn't a plan in any sense of the word in view of Noah's flood.

  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    Good Question Terry,

    Blondie, your explaination is what I have also learned through WT. Now that I know TTATT, I have another question regarding this.

    NE and I have watched, ( long ago) a DVD regarding the Great Flood, even with science disagreeing on this subject, some pionts are logical. One point was at some time all continents were joined together. Some theorized this is when the continents seperated and shifted, without a long scientific explaination as to why they though like that , to me I made sense. And what better way to keep man seperated than to divide the land mass. It was not untill the tower of Babble that mans language was confused, forcing man to migrate to these seperated land masses.

    One other point, I have read that the Nephilim as a hybred were not able to reproduce. How did the WT come to that conclusion? Were they their?

    If the Nephilim were able to reproduce could they eventually breed out the imperfection?

    The Book of Enoch was very enlightening, there is more details about the pre-flood time in mans history.

    The flood stopped all that , and slowed down the demonic influence upon man, untill the tower, and once again we see God stepping in.

    My friends we are there once again, all language barriers are broken down, man has split the atom, and it appears gene splicing, growing genes, growing organs will answer our hope to live forever. "There is nothing they have in mind they won't be able to do"

    Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)

  • Terry

    One other point, I have read that the Nephilim as a hybred were not able to reproduce. How did the WT come to that conclusion?

    For angels to come down from heaven as spirits and become fleshly humans it would require the power of creation. Spirit and Flesh are not compatible in any way. How is it spirits can create not only fleshly bodies but human genomes and DNA? That would make angels equal to God in the power to create.

    The story is fanciful.

    The Watchtower likes to use the word "materialize" as in "materialize human bodies" as though that word means anything at all. The word is not

    in scripture. It solves no mystery.

    Aren't we living in the year 2013? Why are we talking about GIANTS? Really?

    Talking serpents, talking donkeys, invisible angels with human DNA screwing human women doesn't SOUND LIKE A FAIRY TALE?

    Where are the bones of human giants?

    Isn't it obvious that these tales are reworked to fit the Greek tales of demi-gods? Hercules was half human and half god. Should we

    simply accept him as an historical personage and the offspring of one of Noah's angels?

    Come on! Snap out of it!!

  • *lost*

    BOH - lol your brave dude

  • Finkelstein

    After it was all over god did a OOPS .... he forgot Noah and his family still had the inherent Sin from the ancestor of Adam,

    everything on earth returned to evil as before the flood.

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