dear designs...
people that want to find something nefarious or untoward in the method Jesus instituted for inclusion in the new covenant can take it up with God.
love michelle
a thought came to me today: since it was only the cup of wine that jesus said represented the new covenant by virtue of his blood, could a case be made that members of the "other sheep" who aren't in the new covenant can and should partake of the bread?
it was only the cup that jesus associated with the new covenant, right?
in all the gospel accounts the cup is associated with the new covenant but the bread isn't.
dear designs...
people that want to find something nefarious or untoward in the method Jesus instituted for inclusion in the new covenant can take it up with God.
love michelle
a thought came to me today: since it was only the cup of wine that jesus said represented the new covenant by virtue of his blood, could a case be made that members of the "other sheep" who aren't in the new covenant can and should partake of the bread?
it was only the cup that jesus associated with the new covenant, right?
in all the gospel accounts the cup is associated with the new covenant but the bread isn't.
The new convenant was made with cultural jews (Jeremiah 31:31, romans 1:16) the other sheep (gentiles) are grafted in to the "olive tree". There is no biblical motivation to break the other sheep (gentiles) into two that partakes and one that doesn't. Both Jews AND gentiles have to receive the new convenant. That being signified by partaking of both the wine and the bread.
love michelle
everytime i hear jw's talking about free will, i either feel the urge to burst in laughter or feel sick.
each publication keeps talking about how wonderful jokehova is for giving us free will.
the only small thing is that he'll kill you if you don't do exactly what he says.
The bible says that none are born with "free will" we are born in our fallen nature.
Jesus Christ (the second adam) sets us be a new creation. Born enter His kingdom.
love michelle
2014 the watchtower, april 15, page 6.
I hope so...
peace to you!.
this thread is about false things (some) atheists think theists believe.
this is not a thread about false things that atheists think about theists.
dear Band on the Run...
I think we can all see that you have exhausted all patience with Tammy. Please consider taking a break from responding to her posts. You are making no effort to distance yourself from the situation and your emotions are esclating when you need to practice self control. I hope you agree with me :)
love michelle
the strong's definition of torture is not removed from what the "meaning" is now.
those in hell will be in torments because they haven't been assessed as pure like those who have been covered by the blood of the Lamb. the assessment/torment isn't going to change. the outcome of the judgement is eternal. Another way that this assessment/judgement is portrayed is by fire. The outcome of that is eternal too.
the method of assessment whether by literal fire or the consuming gaze of the Lord shouldn't really deter someone from contemplating the seriousness of rejecting the salvation that Jesus is extending to each human being. a person will be subject to the pain and anguish resulting from being left behind, that person will also be eternally subjected to the reactions of others to their similar situation...
Tammy is your opposition to the unchangeableness of the torments(no purgatory/purification type possibity) or the fact that the bible teaches that people will be subjected to the consequences of the results of the assessment for ever and ever.(ie: conscience existance apart from God where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth)
love michelle
dear jgnat...
in response to your comment about viscious things spouting from doctrine...yes when you see the doctrine as God punishing sin with eternal torment in hell it does sound viscious. However...all the punishment for sin has been poured out on Jesus. God doesn't punish man for his sin Jesus took all of it (literally the sins of the world) That is why the bible doesn't say God is going to punish sinners for eternity in hell. Those in hell are there because they didn't want salvation. Jesus said as much...they didn't want to come into the Light...they stayed in darkness, condemned.
what is more viscious...being upfront about an individuals (possible) fate of eternal torment in hell so that an informed decision based on what the bible teaches can be made OR being mislead by being told that there is no eternal torment in hell there is annihilation?(sweeping all that nasty stuff under the carpet)
one is monumental ear-tickling, really.
The consequence of persons wrong decision is held in stark contrast.
It's despicable. I won't hesitate to mention how many people have been misled by the WTBTS and their dogmatic stance on hell. Those are already showing the consequences of buying into satan's scheme...already HELD in bondage to darkness. initially it sounds better but, that is the means of something designed to tickle the ear.
love michelle
I have answered questions before on previous threads, Tammy. The answers I've given from the bible using context and continuity are different than the voice you hear. Even the words of Jesus about hell in the bible are at variance to the voice you hear...I suspect that is because you hear someone else besides the real Christ. (I'm truely sorry that you haven't been brought by God to realization of this)
In the interest of clarity and so that others don't keep mixing up the words of Jesus the Christ recorded in the bible with the words of the voice you hear...Why don't you constanty refer us to the full name you were given to's more transparent of both you and your lord. (Unless you can think of some reason why you needn't be transparent)
love michelle
Tammy said: "Again, please consider what this wrath actually is... not what man has invented"...the wrath of God is to punish sin. unless your sin is COVERED by the blood (the result of the Father's punishing wrath) of Jesus Christ, as Jesus said "you will die in your sin" john 8:24...the sin of THAT person doesn't cease to exist...that sin is an indelible stain linked to that person at their death. That is why in daniel 12:2 the scripture talks about the rigtheous and the unrightous being resurrected..not the sinless and the sinner. Those resurrected are the ones who have died in their sin. In God's ove and mercy they are resurrected to hear the gospel with a view to their repentance and salvation. Daniel 12:3.
the one to initiate talk about eternal hell in torment was Jesus. He saves us from hell, the place of eternal punishment/torment where those resurrected (who don't have their sin cleansed by the blood of the Lamb) darkness away from the presence of God. God didn't create hell it was "created" by it's was their choice...john 3:17-19
love michelle least that's what the sunday study said:.
"at the same time, we need to understand that our salvation is not jesus' primary concern.
his main purpose from the beginning to the end of his earthly ministry was to work for the sanctification and glory of his father's name".
He is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Rev 13:8