dear Vanderhoven...
you state that the beast and the false prophet of rev. 20:10 are symbolic. But the co-text in 2 thess. 2:8-10 states that before the day of the Lord the apostasy takes place and the lawless one and the false prophet (both lead people astray with unrighteous deception according to the working of satan) are revealed...the text in 2 thess. seems to imply that (satan)the beast and false prophet are actual entities and not symbolic of an organization. Perhaps there is organizational structure in the people who are led astray(2 thess. 2:10,12; rev 20:15).but to me the notion of specific identifiable persons is in view regarding those two who lead astray...
Would you say that 2 thess. 8-10 is speaking of some other entities besides the beast and the false prophet? And further to that question, would the symbolic nature of the beast and the false prophet in rev 20 indicate to you that satan is symbolic?(where does the symbolisim begin and end in rev. 20:10)
love michelle