dear Vivian...
in the bible redeeming is taking back. when anyone has died a physical death, God redeems their soul.
You said,"You've yet to explain how your god being responsible or redeeming i high ground. Claiming things is easy. You've done that. Demonstrating those claims is harder. That you've not done."...
I thought I had explained it. God imbued man with dignity when he was created. Then man fell. God recognizes man's dignity (in spite of his fall) and still acts to redeem him.
dear cofty...
yes God is all powerful, that doesn't mean He's going to or is even required to step in and avert natural disasters. That He has stepped in to judge man at the flood and that He has promised to step in with judgement of man again is not deist belief. The bible as the word of God doesn't fit with deist belief either, does it? God steps in for judgement when He steps in.
dear VI...
I think you've lost the plot pretty quickly. No, early death is not a requirement of redemption. People die at all ages. The only thing required for redemption is God willing to redeem. The bible says that when Christ comes to judge again there are going to be some redeemed who haven't died.
dear Simon...
you said, "Sorry, I find your opinions vile. Please don't post such tripe on this forum anymore because it makes me want to vomit when I hear the utter drivel that you people spew without any feeling or empathy whatsoever."...
right. got it. Any thoughts or opinions that don't concur with your thoughts or opinions on the subject is utter drivel, lacking feeling and empathy and you don't want it posted. you might want to add that to your posting guidelines so that you can deny freedom of speech with more transparency. Chao baby.
love michelle <3