Dear Little Toe,
Hi, I do appreciate all the info that I am getting, but right now I am not in the position to look into all of it. My purpose in starting this tread was actually not so much to discuss my interpretation of this particular scripture, but to put it out there for everyone to have another look at. Most people on this forum probibly have never looked at it with current events in mind.
God really and truly put this on my heart recently LT, and I need to get this info out. I know it may sound like I am "some kind of nut case", but this IS different than the WT "stuff". I am not telling you," believe something outrageous", because I want to expound on my theories. If you look at my message in context it is very relevent to you and your safety. I am not telling you to, "do this and be saved" like the WT and their doctrines. I telling you, "God says do this and be saved", like it says to do in the last days. I have not made up any "facts" by twisting scripture or pulling dates out of the Word. The facts pretaining to the WBTS were "facts" long before I was born and I had nothing to do with their implementation. They are there and none can change them. The Word is there, written before I was born, none can change them. Can you see the difference? One MAJOR difference between our message is this, I am saying, to paraphrase, "Get out of her My people, save yourselves, Glorify God." The WBTS says, to paraphrase, "Get in this ark with us, you may be saved?, sell our message, to glorify God"
Can you see the difference?
I have put the facts re: WBTS in front of you and I have put this scripture in front of you not so you will believe me(which is actually my hope) but so you will "see for yourself if Gods word is truth", You have the Word, you have the facts. You don't have to buy anything from me. Proverbs 23:23 Buy truth itself and do not sell it-wisdom and discipline and understanding.
love michelle