dear Vanderhoven...
do you have any comments that might shed some light on the actual questions I've raised?
love michelle
about a year ago i had an exchange of emails with an elder of a congregation where all my jw relatives attend.
i asked him all kinds of questions regarding blood, 607, shunning, evolution, higher education.
as anticipated, he either had no answer or provided an evasive one.
dear Vanderhoven...
do you have any comments that might shed some light on the actual questions I've raised?
love michelle
about a year ago i had an exchange of emails with an elder of a congregation where all my jw relatives attend.
i asked him all kinds of questions regarding blood, 607, shunning, evolution, higher education.
as anticipated, he either had no answer or provided an evasive one.
dear Vanderhoven...
you state that the beast and the false prophet of rev. 20:10 are symbolic. But the co-text in 2 thess. 2:8-10 states that before the day of the Lord the apostasy takes place and the lawless one and the false prophet (both lead people astray with unrighteous deception according to the working of satan) are revealed...the text in 2 thess. seems to imply that (satan)the beast and false prophet are actual entities and not symbolic of an organization. Perhaps there is organizational structure in the people who are led astray(2 thess. 2:10,12; rev 20:15).but to me the notion of specific identifiable persons is in view regarding those two who lead astray...
Would you say that 2 thess. 8-10 is speaking of some other entities besides the beast and the false prophet? And further to that question, would the symbolic nature of the beast and the false prophet in rev 20 indicate to you that satan is symbolic?(where does the symbolisim begin and end in rev. 20:10)
love michelle
had a sermon on the above today.
can i have some background and meaning to this, please?
?i'm convinced i never learnt anything at the kh!!.
dear quellycatface...
The transfiguration is a foreshadow of the millenium. The question about building the booths is one hint of this as the apostles were expecting that during the millenium God would tabernacle with men. (Zech 14:9,16) Another hint at the millenium is the mention of elijah coming first. (Mal 4:6)
love michelle
heavy, heavy upon my failing heart weighs your aching.
need for my full and loving devotion.. oh, how i spend myself willingly on your behalf as,.
truly, your desires outstrip my own.. were i but a younger and wiry man, would i scale.
love michelle
a thought came to me today: since it was only the cup of wine that jesus said represented the new covenant by virtue of his blood, could a case be made that members of the "other sheep" who aren't in the new covenant can and should partake of the bread?
it was only the cup that jesus associated with the new covenant, right?
in all the gospel accounts the cup is associated with the new covenant but the bread isn't.
dear designs...
no doubt you are well versed in the theological argument and clearly desire to talk about it so, go ahead...
love michelle
a thought came to me today: since it was only the cup of wine that jesus said represented the new covenant by virtue of his blood, could a case be made that members of the "other sheep" who aren't in the new covenant can and should partake of the bread?
it was only the cup that jesus associated with the new covenant, right?
in all the gospel accounts the cup is associated with the new covenant but the bread isn't.
dear designs...
people that want to find something nefarious or untoward in the method Jesus instituted for inclusion in the new covenant can take it up with God.
love michelle
a thought came to me today: since it was only the cup of wine that jesus said represented the new covenant by virtue of his blood, could a case be made that members of the "other sheep" who aren't in the new covenant can and should partake of the bread?
it was only the cup that jesus associated with the new covenant, right?
in all the gospel accounts the cup is associated with the new covenant but the bread isn't.
The new convenant was made with cultural jews (Jeremiah 31:31, romans 1:16) the other sheep (gentiles) are grafted in to the "olive tree". There is no biblical motivation to break the other sheep (gentiles) into two that partakes and one that doesn't. Both Jews AND gentiles have to receive the new convenant. That being signified by partaking of both the wine and the bread.
love michelle
everytime i hear jw's talking about free will, i either feel the urge to burst in laughter or feel sick.
each publication keeps talking about how wonderful jokehova is for giving us free will.
the only small thing is that he'll kill you if you don't do exactly what he says.
The bible says that none are born with "free will" we are born in our fallen nature.
Jesus Christ (the second adam) sets us be a new creation. Born enter His kingdom.
love michelle
2014 the watchtower, april 15, page 6.
I hope so...
peace to you!.
this thread is about false things (some) atheists think theists believe.
this is not a thread about false things that atheists think about theists.
dear Band on the Run...
I think we can all see that you have exhausted all patience with Tammy. Please consider taking a break from responding to her posts. You are making no effort to distance yourself from the situation and your emotions are esclating when you need to practice self control. I hope you agree with me :)
love michelle