thats one of the most intelligent points I've heard from a woman! R. Crusoe
this time last year i met the man of my dreams...he was incredibly smart and charming...he was in tune with me...he made me feel like i was the best thing that ever happened to him.
at first he was a little shy...he didn't think anyone of my caliber would even give him a chance...conveniantly though i had my run of bad guys...and wanted someone different.
he was a devout christian...and i had been yearning for years for some direction.
thats one of the most intelligent points I've heard from a woman! R. Crusoe
thats pretty much at home son seems so much younger than he should be...he is now 20 but hangs with much youger dubs...and has no girlfriend to date.
i had like ten by then and had done everything but impregnate a girl................................what the hey is going on here?....................................oompa..
plus he is a ministerial servant and reg.
surely my 600+ mp3 music
a jehovah's witness?
i know, i'm probably repeating plenty of threads...but, it bears repeating.
best scene ever!
for so many years now the borg has spoken condesendingly of organized religion.
this raises many questions then on their part.
what do jw's call the people that have oversight on all jw's?
some confusing watchtower quotes about organized religion:
*** w80 3/1 p. 13 After Destruction of Organized Religion, Which Way? ***“ORGANIZED Religion of the world has fallen!” Such words we may expect haters of all popular religion to shout out jubilantly, when organized religion of today goes down in violent destruction.
*** w80 3/1 p. 24 The Right Route Needs to Be Selected Now ***Even now before the outbreak of the “great tribulation” they are under divine orders to “proclaim . . . the day of vengeance on the part of our God” against Organized Religion
*** w80 3/1 p. 24 The Right Route Needs to Be Selected Now ***When, in the fast approaching “great tribulation,” the “sword” of divine vengeance strikes down all Organized Religion
*** w54 11/15 p. 679 Is World Unity a Dream? ***For a time the League of Nations ‘was,’ then ‘was not’ during World War II, but ascended out of the abyss of inactivity under a new name, the United Nations. Before it goes into destruction it is shown devastating organized religion
*** pe chap. 25 p. 209 For Satan’s World, or God’s New System? ***Satan’s world—his organized human society—is made up of various closely connected parts
*** km 1/77 p. 4 Presenting the Good News—To Those Who Have Lost Faith in Religion ***You may be able to explain that the failure of organized religion to give him a satisfying hope should not be a cause for him to abandon worship of God
*** w00 1/1 p. 30 We Need Jehovah’s Organization ***Does God want Christians to be associated with an organization?the united worldwide congregation, or organization, was needed was to promote “speak in agreement"
Yes, Jehovah used an organization in the first century We Need an Organization Today
*** rs p. 326 par. 2 Religion ***
Nevertheless, to fulfill the Bible’s requirements, it must be organized.
*** kl chap. 17 p. 161 Find Security Among God’s People ***Using the ‘faithful slave’ and its present-day Governing Body, God directs his organized people to make spiritual food, clothing, and shelter available to all who wish to have these provisions.
*** tp chap. 3 p. 30 Are the World’s Religions Giving the Right Lead? ***Religious commentator M. J. McManus wrote this about church attenders: “Few trends in religion so threaten to undermine organized religion in the 1980s as does the sorry state of Biblical knowledge.
*** kc chap. 15 p. 143 Loyal Advocates of the Kingdom ***In the 1870’s Charles T. Russell organized a small group of dedicated Christians in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
*** sl chap. 18 p. 335 On Whose Side Are We When World Distress Climaxes? ***Jehovah’s Christian witnesses have identified Babylon the Great as being, not the Roman Catholic Church, no, not organized Christendom, but the world empire of false religion
*** g99 11/8 p. 28 Watching the World ***“No doubt organized religion’s image has also been scarred badly by front-page stories of Christian clergy sex abuse
*** g99 12/8 p. 9 In Search of the Good Life ***“In much of the world organized religion has lost power during the 20th century,”
*** g97 9/8 p. 6 A World Taught to Hate ***, it is obvious that organized religion has failed to instill in people a love strong enough to overcome political and ethnic biases.
it seems recently that jwd has seen a huge increase in lurkers, most of them seem cool and obviously the odd one who wants to stir.
bye bye watchtower lol.
a lot of negative media coverage recently also!
Their bible said this would happen.
Daniel 12:4 "Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant.”
it seems recently that jwd has seen a huge increase in lurkers, most of them seem cool and obviously the odd one who wants to stir.
bye bye watchtower lol.
a lot of negative media coverage recently also!
doing the happy dance
so here's a question: why do some people (and i include myself as a former member of the group) seem so preoccupied with "end-times" issues?.
as a starter, i submit that it's because we are inclined to fight against the inevitability of our own demonstrably limited human existence...and therefore we develop around ourselves "escape mechanisms" to alleviate the pain of termination.. we use numerical calculations, religious speculations, mysterious cosmic forces, evolutionary patterns, etc.
etc.. your thoughts?.
JH, is that chocolate milk?
i guess if you're gonna go, chocolates the best way
so here's a question: why do some people (and i include myself as a former member of the group) seem so preoccupied with "end-times" issues?.
as a starter, i submit that it's because we are inclined to fight against the inevitability of our own demonstrably limited human existence...and therefore we develop around ourselves "escape mechanisms" to alleviate the pain of termination.. we use numerical calculations, religious speculations, mysterious cosmic forces, evolutionary patterns, etc.
etc.. your thoughts?.
i will stumble in and reply without doing any research or having any facts to back up my opinion.
in physics, Newton's law states, that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction
darkness must exist for there to be light...evil must exist so that we recognize good...we have to have villians for there to be heroes etc.
in christian or jehovah's witness speak..things are black or white.
humans are not satisfied with the status quo. in black or white thinking...
there must be an end to the status quo in order for there to be a beginning.
in the quest for "new," people become obsessed with the "old"
in the quest for "good," witnesses become obsessed with "evil"
by focusing on "old" and "evil" this inhibits evolutionary growth and manifests the negative into life
by accepting the duality of nature, that good exists with evil and old with new...we would not look for an ultimate end
but, accept that there will always be small beginnings and endings...such is the nature of life.
.. you may be aware of recent media coverage on 'the salt threat'* where the fda is trying to regulate the food packaging industries use of salt in the products.. if they go forward with it what would stop them from trying to regulate the salt content in usda meat since it's common knowledge that blood contains salt and if the production line is slowed down allowing for a better quality of bleed in the carcass reducing the amount salt or blood in the meat.. * .
the best way to avoid the problems caused by excessive sodium is by cooking naturally at home. it's the pre-made processed foods that are the culprit...resturant and pre-made meals and canned goods etc.
Yep, as tinker said...salt isn't salt.
Refined or Table salt is 99.9% sodium-chloride with an occasional 0.01% of Potassium-Iodide. It comes from strange places like dirt or concrete basins. It's heated to the extreme and refined... stripped of all other minerals. C hemical are added to it to make it free- flowing and it's bleached to give it that pretty white color.
Unrefined sea salt is still 98% sodium-chloride but, it's that special 2% of Epsom salts and other Magnesium salts, Calcium salts, Potassium (Kalium) salts, Manganese salts, Phosphorus salts, Iodine salts that add 90-100 minerals. This is the good salt, the kind we need when we sweat. Our bodies NEED salt. But, not the refined, bleached kind.
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