I can't judge you Neo, err, OOTB. Mostly because, to my shame, I accepted a MS position and served at it despite disagreeing with alot of their end time teachings and their 2 class system. Now this was well before I learned about how much the WTS was keeping from publishers. Even with their hypocrisy, I've felt/continue to feel poorly about myself for doing that. I wasn't all that much better. I can't imagine being an elder.
Getting your family to doubt the whole spirit guided premise by good faking sounds reasonable. Maybe your family will be swayed by that. Mine wasn't. They knew my leanings from the beginning and it hasn't affected their faith one iota. They rationalized away my appointment like the KGB appointments...and had even greater satisfaction in saying that I stunk in that role too.
Frozen One
Believe me. Its not all that hard to get appointed. Its all about perception as was honestly explained to me by the PO. If the congregation sees you as "theocractic" enough, you're in. Which isn't all that hard nowadays with average dubs being such slackers compared to the average dubs a decade back.
There's a huge shortage of idiots (don't take that personally OOTB - I was one of them) willing to be worked to the bone. One of the elders would always joke with me about whether the BOE was making me squeek with all the work they piled on. I do think though that OOTB is exaggerating how vocal he is with his dissenting views. But hey, I was fooling myself in how subversive I was too. I needed to.