I'm still going to a few meetings, like the CO visits, and the Memorial, and a few sessions of the Assemblies/Conventions , just to keep the sliver of a relationship I still have with my family. Like you all fully understand, if I didn't try to "fade" (a horrible flop so far) and just DA'ed, that would kill it completely.
So yeah, I'm with you that losing the ties isn't our choice. But its a very real consequence of choosing to leave the JWs. So far I've been suspending my entire right to live out exactly the way I want to because I want to keep my family. I don't want pity from anyone and am not playing the victim because I completely own up to my inaction in all of this. I totally understand how hard it is. Thats why I'm still stuck in this limbo even to nearing the age of 36.
I'd love to Borg to change on the shunning policy but I doubt it. Its too much of a useful conforming tool that many other groups use too. Other teens I grew up with have been really true to themselves and happy with that for almost 2 decades. So Lola's point about having to move on is valid. The sooner the better is also valid. I'm really happy for those that can do it sooner.
What's unwelcome and definitely not needed is her almost purposefully curt and flippant approach.