To gain insight to the JW way of life since my son is being exposed to it by his father. I've learned alot on here and I enjoy reading the posts to see if there's anything I can contribute!
Seeking Knowledge
JoinedPosts by Seeking Knowledge
Why do you post?
by Xena inthreads, posts within events, doctrine, hopes, dreams, drama.....what causes you to post here?
what do you feel you get from it?
or give to others?.
Marriage question
by starfish422 ini have a question for those who got married in a jw ceremony, or who became jws after being married.
did the elder marrying you, or those studying with you, counsel you as to what forms of sexual intercourse are acceptable within jehovah's loving organization(tm)?
just having a "discussion" of sorts on another board and i'm being challenged by a dutiful jw wife.
Seeking Knowledge
So what is the procedure in the JW faith to get married?? I ask because when my ex married his current wife, one of our mutual friends was bewildered about the ceremony, but didn't elaborate too much. Something about they weren't married in a KH, they were sitting up on a platform during the ceremony & how "strange" the ceremony itself was. What's the marriage talk?? does that happen during the ceremony? Enquiring minds......
Need To Divorce My Husband....
by Doubtfully Yours inlately he's very become impatient and rather explosive in temper.
i can't cover it up anymore, and i'm so tired of pretending in the organization.. need to leave this man and this religious organization in a hurry!.
any of you divorced because of the wtbts?
Seeking Knowledge
No one can "make" someone do anything, Those are his emotions and he owns them. He's misdirecting his anger to avoid responsiblity. My ex was like that too. Get yourself some help and realize you are not "making" him do anything, that's a favorite excuse. Do not stay in a bad situation, unfortunately, they usually revert back to their old behavior.
Take care!
Should I teach my kids about Santa Claus? (Lie vs. Harmless Fantasy)
by AlmostAtheist inmy wife and i got on a discussion about something i never would've guessed we'd need to.
she wants to teach our new baby about santa claus, easter bunny, & tooth fairy, but i don't.
of course, as witnesses we never would have taught that, and i have to acknowledge that i may only be reasoning using that old set of values.. i don't want to look into my kid's eyes and tell her something that i know for a fact isn't true.
Seeking Knowledge
I'm in the same boat with my ex..he doesn't want me "lying" to our son about it. I believe that Santa represents the magic that is Christmas. The lights, the good will, the family time, everything, and I plan to express it to him that way. When my daughter was in home daycare, the lady that watched her, her family was JW. I had no problem with this, I'm pretty open minded about religion (to a certain degree) up until one of her granddaughters told my daughter that Santa wasn't real. She went on to tell her it was all a lie, how could there be a Santa, the guy in the mall isn't him, etc. My daughter was around 4/5 at this time. She was VERY upset, so I told her that of course the guy in the mall wasn't Santa...did she really think that he could be in so many different places at once?? I told her that what happened was Santa was busy at the North Pole, so he has this phone, he calls helpers, and they go out & do the mall thing so he can get the toys done. I was pretty proud of myself I must say as that was completely off the cuff, and to this day my now 15 year old daughter says she was very thankful for my explanation as it made sense to her at the time. I must add she's not damaged at all about the deception. It's the magic of Christmas I plan to share with my son.
I go to Court tomorrow for Sole Custody..... I'm excited but scared too!!!!
by formerout ini am writing this partly to get straight in my mind how i want to present my material tomorrow, since i am representing myself.
but i would also love any advice that you may have to help me (other than get a lawyer.... lol... not an option unfortunately).. my ex-wife and i got separated on april 24, 2003. i spent over $12,500.00 on lawyers just to get to see my kids.
she tried everything in the book to try to prevent me from seeing them, including lying to the police and having me thrown in jail for a night, calling children's aid on me 9 times, (all not substantiated), and most recently by trying to hire someone to beat me up.. we ended up having a settlement conference on june 22, 2004, from which twenty-nine different orders were made, including joint custody with primary residence with her, that my children were ordered to not go to the kingdom hall anymore, access times, support, not moving away, etc.
Seeking Knowledge
First of all, good for you, I can see that you care about your children and you are doing the right thing.
I, too have just come out of custody with my Ex for our son. It's still ongoing and there are still issues to be dealt with, but I agree with you going to Legal Aid. You need a lawyer. There are too many things you may not have the chance to bring up or think about in this fight. The fact she has a lawyer is already against you. It's a good thing. I did the same as you are going to do, and it's the best money I've ever spent. I'm still paying my lawyer and it's much less stressful for YOU to have someone else fight on your behalf. I'm not saying you can't do this on your own, but clearly it's going to go deeper and you will be thankful you have a professional helping you, just in case it gets worse, and it sounds like she is going to make it that way. You need to protect yourself & your children.
That being said, I wish you the best of luck. I think you are a very intelligent man, and it's true, sometimes these things get to where it's not in the kids best interests, but having someone else helping you in your fight will put their best interests into better perspective for YOU and the fight you have. She's playing a pathetic game, my ex does the same thing with me, but he's learned that all the BS that comes out of his mouth is truely against him in a court of law. Might help!
Good Luck!!
Am I making the right decision?
by crizlee inok im a senior and its time for me to make decisions.
i either have the choice of going to this art institute thats near me, i wont be able to live on campus.
i really want to go to university of texas but my parents cant afford it let alone will they support me for living in austin.
Seeking Knowledge
Sounds like you are getting wonderful advice here. You know what you want to do, go for it! You have the grades & the ability, you are young and you have a great future ahead of you. Call the University & ask them about grants, talk to your counselor. No reason you shouldn't be able to get what you want out of your life. Good Luck!
It's My Son's 1st B-Day
by whyamihere ini know he doesn't know what the hell is going on.. happy birthday jack!
love crazy mommy!.
brooke wi
Seeking Knowledge
The first birthdays are always fun!! Even tho they really don't know what the fuss is about, they sure do like digging into that cake! Happy Birthday Jack! Many more to come!!
Memory of a stupid situation
by Nosferatu inanother post brought this memory back to me.
it's a really stupid situation which resulted in my mother ceasing communication with the next door neighbour.
i believe it happened when i was in grade one.. my mother was supposed to meet me at my elementary school.
Seeking Knowledge
Sounds like she might have reacted to a fear of you being "lost" and took it out on the neighbor. Maybe she was too embarrassed to set it straight after the arguement.
As a JW did you "take a turkey" or accept the Xmas Bonus?
by confusedjw ini felt it hypocritical to take a turkey abviously meant for thanksgiving.
i didn't like buying the easter candy after easter either as it was "food sacrificed to idols".. years ago at a place i worked they gave out a xmas bonus which i returned.
( a few hundred dollars which we sure could have used) they assured me that it was an "end of the year" bonus.
Seeking Knowledge
Speaking of my Ex, he always took the bonuses, time off whatever was offered. Him and another JW he worked with both enjoyed the holidays, the treats and even got presents, neither of them were offended. I asked the friend what was up with that, he said they can accept gifts...just not give them...
tell me about yourself
by bagpuss in.
in a recent thread someone said that bagpuss was a good name but didn't know what it meant.. bagpuss was a character from a childrens programme in the 1970s and is becoming popular again now.
i chose this name as like bagpuss i am soft,cuddlyand loyal, but will get the claws out when needed.. why did you choose your 'alias' and what does it tell me about you?
Seeking Knowledge
Bagpuss: I grew up in England...I think I remember that show!! Awesome....
My moniker says it all, I'm seeking knowledge, My ex is now a JW, and I never had a true grasp of what he was about in his religion until after we split up. He wasn't "in it" while we were together. It's the outcome and concern for our son that brought me here!
Happy to meet you!