It will be interesting hubert. Just about every other religion is paying some sort of respect to the man. I figure the Watchtower Society and JW's, as God's "chosen" (???) organization and people, would have something to say. Your right, they may wait till next WT or awake.
Posts by Hondo
JW Reaction to Pope's death
by Hondo ini'm not sure how to ask this not being, never have been, a jw.
with millions, maybe billions, of people around the globe paying their respects to this great man, what is, or what would be, reaction from jw's (a gb member, a co, do, an elder, anyone?
) about the death of the pope and all the network(s) coverage surrounding his passing?
JW Reaction to Pope's death
by Hondo ini'm not sure how to ask this not being, never have been, a jw.
with millions, maybe billions, of people around the globe paying their respects to this great man, what is, or what would be, reaction from jw's (a gb member, a co, do, an elder, anyone?
) about the death of the pope and all the network(s) coverage surrounding his passing?
I'm not sure how to ask this not being, never have been, a JW. With millions, maybe billions, of people around the globe paying their respects to this great man, what is, or what would be, reaction from JW's (A GB member, a CO, DO, an elder, anyone?) about the death of the Pope and all the network(s) coverage surrounding his passing? Happiness? No reaction? Negative reaction (after all the Pope's life, as are ours supposedly, is/was controlled by the Devil, right???)? Jealously (when a GB member, or a great JW person (are there any?) dies nothing like this happens!!!!)? Would there be a special JW prayer said for Pope John Paul II? Would there be sympathy? Any condolences sent to a local Catholic church?
Just curious.
Signs of the end, are they so clear that we don't see them anymore?
by JH in7 ?for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.
8 all these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.
9 ?then people will deliver you up to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name.
Good points. Not only is our individual inevitable end a rational conclusion, but also a natural will happen! Maybe JW's should concentrate more on this certainty and less on the universal calamity they so desire. They have been waiting, and predicting, the all encompassing end now for over 120 years now. Even an old mutt knows when it's time to quit and try another approach; It's been that time for quite some time now.
Signs of the end, are they so clear that we don't see them anymore?
by JH in7 ?for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.
8 all these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.
9 ?then people will deliver you up to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name.
You hit the nail on the head. There will be earthquakes, there will be floods, there will be rain, there will be wars and conflicts, and there will be those who think they have all the answers, like the JW's, based on a off there wall interpretation of the bible. The bible is not the rule book for life, it is a guide to lead us through the time allotted to us. Live life as best a possible, doing as much good as possible (for some all they may be able to do is simply help someone across the street. For some it may a life similar to that of Mother Theresa. Both acts, I believe, find equal favor in the eyes of God). An unfortunate fact of life is death; it will happen. The "end" will come to us all at some point in time. As we do not know when the all earthly end will come, nor should be go about trying to predict this day, so to we do not know when our own individual end will arrive.
Signs of the end, are they so clear that we don't see them anymore?
by JH in7 ?for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.
8 all these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.
9 ?then people will deliver you up to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name.
I don't quite understand the point you are trying to make with your analogy. As you probably know, being alert simply means being ready, prepared, etc. Some folks stay alert, stay prepared, to a greater degree than others. In the case of the bible, I think all would agree, it means being spiritually alert, or spiritually ready, or spiritually prepared. Done this mean we should all go around screaming "the sky is falling, the sky is falling" as the JW's do, no! of course not. Or, does it mean that we should jump at every shadow in the night, no!. It does mean, to any Christian who believes in and understands the bible, to be ready, live a life with purpose and direction espousing those good things that the bible outlines. Pretty simple, be prepared.
Signs of the end, are they so clear that we don't see them anymore?
by JH in7 ?for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.
8 all these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.
9 ?then people will deliver you up to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name.
Matt 24:36
"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the Angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but the father alone."
Matt 24:42
"Therefore for be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.:
1 Thessalonians 5:1-2
"Now as to the times and the epochs, brethren, you have no need of anything to be written to you. For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night."
What's everyone getting excited about. It all seems pretty clear.
Armageddon - Sept 2005: conclusive proof for the arithmetically challenged!
by slimboyfat inthey said it would come in 1975. they were wrong!
just like moses at the waters of meribah they presumed to speak for god when they had no business.
god made israel wait 40 years until moses died, and he is doing the same today!
I thought the Sept 2005 date came from Eve not being created the same time as Adam; but 30 years after... and since 1975 was the 6000 year end of the reign of man, but realy didn't end, or somethingl like this ... then, logically, or illogically, 30 + 1975 then is 2005. I was never really good at math, but It all makes a lot of sense to me ... sure does, yup, yup...!!!
Calling all "unbelieving mates", AKA husbands and wives of cult members
by Check_Your_Premises inhey all.
any who have been reading my recent posts, know that they chronicle my unsuccesful attempts to prevent my wife's baptism.. it is unfortunate and clear to me that there is nothing i can do untill i really understand the problem.
i am currently reading steven hassan's, releasing the bonds.
Couldn't agree with you more CYP. JW's are a lieing, evil, deceptive and self-centered group of people. As much as I hate to say it, you are now low on your wife's list of 100 most important things in her life. The Watchtower Society/Governing Body, whom she probably thinks is God-like, her local congregation (she probably considers the Elders there as somewhat God-like as well), her JW friends, selling (placing) magazines (She probably considers the contents of these as words of God as well), and attendling as many meetings, and the yearly memorial, as the most important things in her life and take precedence, for the most part, over you. You are an object now, nothing more. She will make time for you, from time-to-time, but not like before she came under their control. She is most interested in (and this is drilled into her at the weekly and weekend meetings she attends) saving herself because the end is just around the corner, and will happen very soon (2005, JW's think, is suppose to be a high potential year for the end to occur by the way). She will be encouraged to do more, and more, and more, because her salvation is never assured. And of course she will continue try to get you and your children to join. My ex-wife would interject this point during some of our conversations, whenever she felt comfortable, asking me if I would like to be saved because the world is such a rotten place, and, by the way, the end is coming very soon... By strong my friend and maintain your Christian beliefs and values, but be as loving to your wife, as best you can, at the same time. It will not be easy and will take a great amount of patience.
Take care and GB
How many should partake this year at the memorial?
by M.J. inhow many should partake this year at the memorial?
how many of the original anointed, whose number was "sealed" in 1935 would likely be alive today?.
i've examined the general survival rate of people of this age group in the us.
How does one know if he or she (can women be annointed?) is annointed on not? Flash of heavenly light? booming voice from the heavens proclaiming someones annointedness?
The annointed of today (real old folks I would presume) did they know they had become annointed? Does Governing Body decide (after all, they speak for God)? If one thinks one is ready to become an annointed one, does he or she (again, can a woman become an annointed one) put in a request through some congragational chain of command? Or, does one just have than special feeling and decide one day to be an annointed one???
Curious. Thanks
Calling all "unbelieving mates", AKA husbands and wives of cult members
by Check_Your_Premises inhey all.
any who have been reading my recent posts, know that they chronicle my unsuccesful attempts to prevent my wife's baptism.. it is unfortunate and clear to me that there is nothing i can do untill i really understand the problem.
i am currently reading steven hassan's, releasing the bonds.
Hello CYP, it's me Hondo. I went through what you are going through back around 1999/2000. Sully has presented some very good advice stating that after someone gets baptized the "love bombing" dwindles, or perhaps totally ceases in some cases, and people that once displayed love and friendship, prior to baptism, were now maybe distant and alloof, and not as "friendly" as before. I did not find this to be the case with my wife (now ex). She seemed to get herself more involved with JW activities after baptism than before; she seemed more devoted and more interested in
victimizingrecruiting more so after taking the dunk than before (while she was still going through official "bible study"). Again, I'm stepping on your sand castle, but I found that my ex had less time for me and the family after she became an "official" JW, than before. I tried to work around this "devotion" by showing her more love and interest, to which she seemed fairly receptive. This was only a facade I found however. When it came to her choosing between us (her and I), or the family as a group doing something together, guess what, off she went to her JW responsibility, sometimes without even letting me know where she was going or when she would return. On several occasions she outright lied to me claiming that she was going shopping then returning 5 or 6 hours later. I later came to find out she had been at a JW friends home doing JW "stuff".Again CYP, best of luck to you. I really hope and pray that you can hold things together. Again, Sully has some very good advice. I think if you stay away from arguing JW doctrine, thoughts and ideas with your wife and do your own reverse "love bombing", she may she the error in her ways. This could take years, however. Remember, she has essentially already divorced you and taken the Watchtower Society as her new husband. Your are now just and "unbelieving mate", literally, nothing more. Although my ex never really said she wanted a divorce, once ours was final, she was the most elated person in the world it seemed. Maybe my ex was the exception to the rule, I don't know, but don't be surprised if your wife becomes more "involved" and dedicated in her JW activities after she gets baptized, than she is now.
Take care. Semper Fi (this is tough to say from a Navy guy)