The Jewish exile was prophesied to be a full period of seventy years according to the words of Jeremiah which was a period also of servitude to Babylon with their homeland desolate for that same period of seventy years. In short, the Bible iks quite emphatic that the seventy years was a period of servitude, exile and desolation from the Fall of Jerusalem in 607 until the Return in 537 BCE.
The prophecy of Jeremiah 29:10 applied to those Jewish exiles in Babylon and cannot be reconciled witth those proponents of the 587 BCE theory who would have you believe that the seventy years was a period of servitude alone reflecting Babvlonian domination beginning from a fuzzy starting point. The NWT correctly renders the phrase 'at Babylon' which is correct contextually rather than 'for Babylon' which is admissible on linguistic grounds but conflicts with the context.
The other nations were also brought into servitude to Babylon but their length is not stated as it it was for Judah which was a predetermined period of seventy years.
The 587 hypothesis endorsed by apostates and favoured by some scholars is falsified by the seventy years which creates a twenty year gap between the sacred and the secular records thus proving that the Bible alone should be the basis for chronology.
scholar JW
That looks just like something right out of a Watch Tower, a lot of words but it proved absolutely nothing.