I unfortunately had been a good little dub and never lived a double life. didn't even make friends with the neighbors. of course we lived in an abusive household and so kept to ourselves anyway. right before I was df'd i had moved to a new congregation where there were no youth so didn't have any friends at all around. then i was df'd very abruptly and instantly cut off by my family that was still in. In fact they were the ones that told on me.
Well, made a few worldy friends right off the bat from work and unfortunately because we were young and caught up in a fast life, they stabbed me in the back. Then I met my husband, now ex, and he sucked me in for years. Since I had no support system while married to him and was cut off from my dub family, and my dad's family had always viewed us dub kids as the black sheep of the family (hush hush and don't talk about it, many uncomfortable moments at family reunions), I faired very badly for about 7 years. Very alone and in an abusive marriage.
At a certain point I moved back to Oregon. Had been gone for about ten years. Wound up in Portland. I knew I was home almost instantly. After finding a job and settling in my father visited me(was trying to build a relationship with my dad's family now, still trying). Unknowingly I had moved only two blocks from where my parents lived when I was born. Working at a store where they had shopped and went to the local hangout that they went to and was still there. It was so strange. Within months I had made the best friends that I have had in my whole life. Real people, good people. They helped me through some of the hardest times of my life and still deal with my crazy issues as a result of a life in a cult and an abusive family.
I feel in many ways that my Mother somehow led me here because she knew this is where I needed to be. She died a year before Ieft the organization. She was suffered so much and wanted to rest. Now that she has moved on I like to believe she now knows the truth and is happy to see that four of her five children have made their way out and are on the road to piecing it all back together.
This Christmas will be the first time in 12 years that all five of us will be together at the same time. I have only seen my brother twice in the last 11 years and have yet to see my little sister. The last time I saw her she was six. she is now 17. I cried uncontrollably for an hour after I found out we would all be together.
If you can, definitely form friendships before you leave.