What's the deal with not taking a blood transfusion?
Acts 15 says to keep abstaining from blood, things strangled, and fornication. You can't here tease out of the word "abstaining" something that isn't meant, like "not only shouldn't we eat it, we should ABSTAIN from it, meaning don't touch it, etc" because that would mean you couldn't touch a strangled animal, either. Eating is what's prohibited here, strangled animals or blood.
And your "if a doctor told you not to drink alcohol, could you still inject it?" reasoning won't fly either. If a doctor told me not to eat liver, would he object to my getting a liver transplant? A blood transfusion is a transplant of an organ, it isn't "consumption".
And of course, don't try to bring the health risks of blood transfusions into the discussion. Every medical procedure has risks, but this is the only one forbidden by your religion.
(No, I don't want any magazines. No, I don't want to contribute to the World Wide Work. No, no one else in my household would like magazines, either.)