Now that I have your attention, I would like to bring your attention to this very simple, very irrefutable, very discussable, truth. Climates and Claims When one is to use the blanket, one would eventually overacclimate one's self to the warmth provided by said thread tortilla, thereby prompting one to waddle to the air conditioner and turn on such an ice factory. Such actions apparently fuel global warming. Such warming is apparently bad. But if it is bad, why did Earth invent blankets in the first place? I say Earth probably deserves global warming for blanketing herself in an "atmosphere". Earth is sort of a dirty bitch. The dirty part is not our fault. The bitch part is not our fault either. She is the one who invented blankets, caused global warming, and started the recent bouts of spotty weather. The dirtiness is from Earth's lack to wash up; the bitchiness is the weather. It is also accurate to say that Earth is a groupie whore to the Sun, watching his every move as though he were some sort of rock star. Earth acts as if her world revolves around him. One's self need not worry about global warming, but about keeping Earth at her current distance from the Sun. Any closer and not only will Sun press charges, he will shoot fire out of his face and erupt us into a ball of burning people. - teddygee
JoinedPosts by FOSHLL
Global Warming Warming Politics Violent Kennedy Sex
by FOSHLL innow that i have your attention, i would like to bring your attention to this very simple, very irrefutable, very discussable, truth.
climates and claims
when one is to use the blanket, one would eventually overacclimate one's self to the warmth provided by said thread tortilla, thereby prompting one to waddle to the air conditioner and turn on such an ice factory.
All Secret Santa Paricipants sign in here please!
by Gadget inthe details of who to send a gift to will be getting pm'd to you all either friday afternoon or saturday morning!
according to the information i've found online the last posting day for standard parcels is dec 11th for usa and december 15th for the uk/europe, so you should all have plenty of time to select and send a gift, although sending sooner rather than later is prefered.
can everyone taking part post on this thread what things they like, what their interests are etc so that the person who is buying a gift for you has some idea what to get you.
I like ...
Big butts! No, I cannot lie.
I'm sorry for that. I hate that song. I didn't mean it. What I really like ...
Fat bottomed girls!
I didn't mean that, either. I once again apologize.
It's a throwdown between what I REALLY like, and what my interests are! On pay-per-view ... er ... yeah.
I feel like I'm a bratty 5-year-old ... "GEEFTS! NEIN, NERHOUSEN! I DEMAND GEEFTS FROM THE LOT OF YOU! Schlecken kerhouzcsen!"
(A 5-year-old with an Arnold Schwarzeneggar-esque accent, of course.)
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind ... 'Love And Death' (Woody Allen-Diane Keaton film) ... Siiiingin' In The Rain(Actual title minus all the extra i's) ...
I like "Shaun Of The Dead". Except that right now it's only released on region 2 DVD(at least right now), and I'm in region 1, and ... oh, blah, blah. I'm going to stop now because I'm being too specific and just plain stupid. "Oh, I want all of these things, and blah, blah."
Sorry for that. I really need to stop this strange post ... it hates me.
I'm not asking for ALL of them, except if they're those cheap bootlegs. Just kidding.
WOOF! WOOF! I like puppies, too. And BABIES! REAL ONES! Not those dolls ... real, fresh babies. With long cords on their stomachs. And lots of goo. Do they have dentists in the womb? I like dentists. Correction: I like to kidnap dentists. I like kidnapped dentists ... they charge you way too much for clean teeth, and they're gonna pay. They cost $15 dollars to kidnap, right? Attack them with their own instruments! It's not that hard, you know! If you're going to the dentist anyways, then you're just being lazy if you don't send him to me. Do you want to be lazy? Do you want that hanging over your head for the rest of your life, to know that you have deprived an 8 year old boy of his own dentist-in-a-box?
I thought so.
What did Noah eat after the flood?
by badboy in.
as the world was presumbly ruined after the flood,nothing was grown etc etc,what did noah eat.. if he have started eating the animals,they would have been none around,so what did noah and co eat to avoid hunger?
The ark was actually a spaceship complete with hydroponic garden.
Then they must've drank a lot of Tang.