Do you think God's original purpose was for us to live forever on earth? And if so, why has it not happened yet?
do you think god's original purpose was for us to live forever on earth?
and if so, why has it not happened yet?
Do you think God's original purpose was for us to live forever on earth? And if so, why has it not happened yet?
why is it that jw`s discourage you to search online for things dealing with jw`s?
if you are firm in your beliefs and you know you have the truth why be so afraid of that you will stumble upon some kind of "apostate" literature?
does anyone know exactly why jw`s shun there freinds and family for being dfed?
this makes me laugh and sick at the same time. i had a prominent elder tell me at a get together, that you should not use the could start abusing yourself...i was offended, and i thought what a stupid, inappropriate thing to say to a sister at a get together. i felt sick inside after that one.
just wondering if this happened to any of you.
did you ever go to the service group and be assigned to the different car groups.....and then....the sister that is assigned to go with you...decline and say...'i am just going by myself today and do my return vistits by myself'..... damn, i should have complained about that one!
it was very rude!
nooo it was not that...she didnt really like us. we were not elders wives.
i was talking with my older two boys.
they were really glad we stopped going to the kh and being practicing jw.
they went on and told me about things they thought.
i remember when my mom died, i was told, 'well now she will be in the new system'. and i was to find comfort in that instead of dealing with the loss. it was almost like, don't grieve, at least she made it.
and alot of bros and sisters are so tired and worn out, i can see that maybe they wish they could just go to sleep....remember the scripture that says 'in a blink of an eye'?
after watching "the fifth estate" and knowing that the legal department at bethel has a list of offenders, by law, cant someone demand a copy of that list?
this probably was talked about years ago, but i just saw it, so im a little behind.
hasnt the law just changed, that all clergy have to report these situations?
is there a list for canada that one can access??
yes i know the standard answer - they want to sell books but hang on a minute.. .
something that has always bothered me is that the average jw is incapable of explaining some of the most basic teachings without a wt book in hand.
after all those years, all that time, all those meetings, why is it so hard to understand and teach to someone else?
i remember when new publications came out...the brothers and sisters would read them and get little nuggets out of them ...for example....'the end is coming soon' or 'the end is coming shortley' or 'we are getting close' or 'so close to the end'...on and on it would go....we would read way more into it, than was actually said...
ahhh well, it kept us going
how are jw's treated by the cong when they have a ubm?
on one hand they could hold them up as how wonderful they are for suffering such persecution but on the other hand wouldn't they be looked down upon because they couldn't even get their own spouse 'in'?
if you can't even get your own spouse to believe how well could you do in service?
what richie rich the god's truth, the kids are treated very badly...makes them feel real welcome...
how are jw's treated by the cong when they have a ubm?
on one hand they could hold them up as how wonderful they are for suffering such persecution but on the other hand wouldn't they be looked down upon because they couldn't even get their own spouse 'in'?
if you can't even get your own spouse to believe how well could you do in service?
depends, if you cried the blues all the time, you got lots of attention.
just wondering if this happened to any of you.
did you ever go to the service group and be assigned to the different car groups.....and then....the sister that is assigned to go with you...decline and say...'i am just going by myself today and do my return vistits by myself'..... damn, i should have complained about that one!
it was very rude!
just wondering if this happened to any of you. did you ever go to the service group and be assigned to the different car groups.....and then....the sister that is assigned to go with you...decline and say...'i am just going by myself today and do my return vistits by myself'....
damn, i should have complained about that one! it was very rude! me and the other sister were shocked!
my daughter has been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia.
several questions: are they one in the same, are there any good web sites to look over?
also, when she was young she was abused/molested over a several year period.
hi quentin
i myself, suffered from the fibromyalgia for many years. i had the muscle ache, headach, depression, sleeping problems, chronically tired, very stressed out. i got a very nice doctor who understood what i was going through. he gave me paxil for depression and panic attacks. amitriptyline and a mild sleeping pill for sleep. i must say, this did not start to really work for me until, alot of what was causing the stress in my life, was out of my life. bad marriage and trying to raise children on my own, while on welfare. i divorced my husband and the kids went to live with him. it was only then, that i could get the rest i needed and started working, i barely get a headach now (its been 3 years). but i still do tire easily, so i do require alot of rest. all i can say is, know your limits, and pray for positive change in your life's circumstances. eat well, and get some fresh air and exercise.
hope this helps