yup - have him ask his instructor - what's up with that?
JoinedPosts by wiegel
Help me prove to my bf that defellowshipping happens
by MM090503 inhi all.. many of you have probably seen my posts on here before, but if you haven't let me reinterate my story in short for you.. i am currently dating a wonderful guy, but the problem is he has been considering becoming a jw.
he has studdied with them for about a year.
because of me has agreed to do some religion searching and figure out what he really believes.
If You Could Make A New Law Up----What Would It Be????
by minimus in.
if you had the power to make one new law up in your community or country, what would it be??
my mom stopped going to meetings today
by dh in.
i don't talk about my family very much on here, but today i feel i have to, because today after all the years of pushing, finally there is a result.. thanks to life & the universe and everyone on jwd, who by simply existing have helped in a way that i don't know how to write.. today is the day my mom stopped going to meetings.. i won't go into loads of detail at this point because it's very involved, but it's done.
my dad is an elder and is still going, but my mom is out now.. thanks
dh - you must have the biggest smile on your face right now!
....so do I......good work!
How do you women feel about acting stupid to please men and the borg?
by Dragonlady76 inthe quote below was part of a talk in the 90's.
i heard this as a child and thought to myself, how can any woman accept such a draconian veiw?
i was not sure if i had understood correctly so, i brought it up to my bible study conductor maggie, i was appalled that she agreed with this veiw, we debated it back and forth, until i got the upper hand, then she told me that i was to "rebellious and strong willed", and that i "should never get married", that i way i would not have to submit to male "headshit" "headship".
I finally felt bad enough to leave - OMG, what a wonderful world awaited me! The clarity that comes with asking questions and getting answers.
One event I will never forget: Circuit assembly at an outdoor arena of some sort. I prefer pants and a blouse for business attire, but wore a "dress" and feminine"open-toed" shoes (which I hated) with nylons (in the 70s). I was going to get on the escalator and the brother said "I'm sorry, sister, but you can't ride the escalator with those shoes - too dangerous." I got so hot inside I thought I was going to burst. What a *%#@ catch 22. I wore that stupid outfit because I was told to and now I was being penalized for wearing "vulnerable" attire. I left the assembly that day and am sorry to say that it took another 20 years for me to leave altogether.
Will the Society come up with new prophecy to cover the lack of growth now?
by AK - Jeff inwas following mary's thread on the wt study of the annual report - what a hoot!.
in follow-up; for years we have heard that the org's growth was 'proof' of the 'truth'.
do you think the org will come up with some obsure scriptural/prophetic understanding to explain the reduced zeal for the 'kingdom' now?
I guess it depends on where you are standing. I have seen the "love of the greater number" cool off, and I have also seen the light "getting brighter". Watching the number of "posters" on this site growing so quickly, I can only imagine how many there are just "lurking". I know it took me 4 years before I started to post, but I was a visitor regularly.
Of course, they will come up with an explanation of some prophecy or another. The question is, will they blame the publishers for the decline, or will they blame the apostates? And if it turns out to be "New Light", then no one can blame them because they are just doing as they are shown by Jehovah (they are so concerned about his reputation and yet they make him out to be so impotent and incapable of communicating with his "servants" or "prophets" or whatever - shameful). All that BS flows right down stream, and those who are tired of being burdened down with illogical and unloving rhetoric and seeing it for what it is.
Maybe they have a huge 8 ball - the kind with the answers that float to the top. Must have something like that - intelligent adults could not compose this stuff on purpose, could they?
Losing faith in the organization
by parakete ini have been a jw for more than 20 years, but during these past few years i have come to realize that some of the elders and regular publishers are very hypocritical and insensitive.
they have done things that really disgust me.
tare so arrogant that they cannot take any criticism form you.
Welcome Parakete! Hang around, you will find a lot of people here who understand.
by Mary inoh lordy, at yesterday's botchtower study, paragraph 17 (i think) asked what we personally found "encouraging" about the 2004 stats that are listed by country in the wt.
anyway, someone finally put up their hand and remarked about how wonderful it was to see that ethiopia had a 5% increase......ya, i guess if you're starving to death, who wouldn't want to hear that paradise is right around the corner.
one bro put up his hand and actually mentioned the fact that there was 0% increase in virtually all the industrialized nations, but that we "shouldn't let that discourage us".
Actually, someone did make the comment that perhaps the reason only the third world countries are experiencing growth is because "they are simple people" and they "don't question things as much as those that live where knowledge is abundant"
One would think that this comment shows that this individual KNOWS it's a lot of BS but is very loyal anyway. Whose faith is stronger? The 3rd worldling who believes it all because he has no access to real information, or the guy at the hall who admits that abundant knowledge leads to attrition and yet stays and goes through the motions anyway? Downright scary.
The GB: evil manipulators or misguided fools
by New Worldly Translation ini've been pondering this question for a while now and i haven't come to a conclusion yet.
on the one hand there is evidence of psychological manipulation in their publications.
they discourage questioning of their authority or even their fallability and try to whitewash past mistakes.
Good question - I have that one still on the shelf myself. If the posters on this site are any indication of the mindset of many witnesses, it seems that most are misguided. However, just like in poitics, once one reaches the level of authority and power that comes with a high position, most of what was admirable about that person suffers. All I do know is that whatever they do or say, it is not the work of one person. So, they are either all manipulators, or a few manipulators and a bunch of wusses. Ray is my hero because he stood up to them, as have so many here. Any way you look at it, it is inexcusable how they excuse themselves from responsibility for the "collateral damage" occurring in the ranks. Ivory towers indeed.
Tough day -- my mom died today
by cruzanheart inpoor thing, she's had alzheimer's for about 10 years and the last year she's been on hospice care because she's been so close to death.
the past few months she's been slowly filling up with water -- they gave her lasix (not sure of the spelling) to relieve the edema and it worked, sort of.
last weekend she actually looked a little better.
I'm so sorry to hear about your mother...may you find comfort in the company of friends and family. wiegel
Is there a name for this kind of JW tactic?
by ithinkisee inis there an actual psychological term or whatever for this kind of jw tactic?.
the tactic is where they head the opposing arguments off at the pass, like when a new person studies and they get to the point where they want to make a stand for "the truth".
the person studying with them will tell them to "expect opposition from your family, this is satan trying to get at you because now you have found the truth and he's mad.".
Extensive personal manipulation, initiated from the leaders is designed to provoke certain patterns of behavior and emotion in such a way that they appear to have arisen spontaneously from within the member or the group environment. The group's mystique justifies manipulation even when they supercede all considerations of decency or of immediate human welfare.
OMG - " in such a way that they appear to have arisen spontaneously from within the member or the group environment." I could never find such eloquent words to describe this process. You know, the one which turned on the great crowd and blamed the r&f for looking to 1975. And how, by their "secret" laison with the UN, and subsequent expulsion, a situation was created that could (and still may) cause the UN to "turn on the WTS".....thus fulfilling another home-grown prophecy.
Mystical Manipulation - funny, you have no power or authority as a dub, but then you are suddenly to blame for influencing the entire flock causing them to believe something that isn't true. Very very tricky.
The truth about the lie will set you free..............wiegel