I remember the "barter system". I remember hearing this as a kid at the field service meetings. It was said that if people
didn't have money for the mags then you could barter them off for a bar of soap or a can of soup.
does anyone remember jws and their barter system phase?
i was thinking of this the other night.
i remember when i was pretty young, the jws doing the barter thing where a jw would clean a restaurant and they would get their meals covered or they would clean a dry cleaners and they would get their dry cleaning done in exchange.
I remember the "barter system". I remember hearing this as a kid at the field service meetings. It was said that if people
didn't have money for the mags then you could barter them off for a bar of soap or a can of soup.
ok adam and eve sinned by eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and bad.. why weren't they allowed to eat from the tree of knowledge?
isn't knowledge a good thing?.
i am one of those people who can't stand not knowing the answers to everything.
Knowledge if freedom. The "Society" can't allow that because then who would follow them? Thus they beat this story
into the minds of their believers so that they will believe that it is wrong to question and to think for one's self.
someone asked if anyone had a post of one of the awake declarations of 1975 end of times i found this link:.
So does anyone actually know the exact month in '68 that this article came from. Funny, when you try to access this year of Awake in
the Library CD, it is only archived as far back as 1970. Hmmm, could this be a cover up to hide their own stupidity and false claims?
I feel so sorry for all of those that gave so much of their lives for nothing but a false hope. I am so glad to be away from all of that.
What cracks me up is how the article portrays that "things are so bad and critical now". Wow, 31 years later and guess what?
Nothing! We are all still here! Anyway, that's my thoughts...thanks for posting that article.
as a witness, most if not all of my friends were married by 18, with many woman married by 17. it was so normal, that when i left the religion and met all these people married in their 20's and later, that it seemed like they were starting late.
i actually was a late person in getting married, i was 23. i remember being one of the few people my age in the congregation, not married yet.
i actually remember thinking, where am i going to find someone to marry, that is not yet taken.
I have found this to be true from what I can remember as well. So many got married way too young. It was either that or 36 year old brothers marrying 18 year old girls. As mentioned, I truly believe this was done simply because it was the only way to get laid if you wanted to stay in and not catch hell by being publicly humiliated with the whole DF'g thing. Funny, I thought getting married at 25 was "old". Looking back, even that was too young. That only lasted 8 years. Yeah, so much for the three fold cord. Even when you try so hard, if one changes their mind, it's all over and there is nothing you can do but live beyond it and learn from it. I'm for the wiser now. It kills me how it is taught that only the JW's have a good life. Hell, I was in, and I married one. What do I have to show for it now? NOTHING!
And that is just it. Being in that organisation means nothing. You are no more protected then anyone else. You are just made to believe you are.
know god and understand the bible or.... do they know the faithful discreet slave and study literature?
And if you think about it, what is always said from the platform: "Per the Organisation" - "The Society Says".
One day I got to thinking...the JDubs worship a business, not God. Think about it, I'm sure any and all here can remember when they went, this is all you heard.
It's all just business, it's not worship.
hi everyone, i have a friend, who wants me to attend the meetings again.
he has said that the faithful and discreet slave are inviting those that have not attended for awhile, to come to the memorial, and then there is going to be a special talk in april-may, and then they want us to come to the convention in the summer.
which apparently will be about welcoming those who once were involved to come back.
What kills me is how the "Society" can possibly think that luring inactive ones back by the means of the Memorial is crazy. I myself cringe at the thought of going. It is the same weird mundane, by the outline, presentation; but to the Dubs, they feel that as long as you attend you might have the slightest chance at a "spiritual recovery". To me, as someone inactive, it seems rediculous to show up and act like nothing is wrong and that you still believe or have the pompous attitude that just because I show up here, I will still be "saved". This is bull. I refuse to be a hypocrite! If you don't go to the hall as an active member, then why pretend it matters by going to the Memorial. Especially something as boring and weird as it is.
i was so excited to come upon this website today!
it's so nice to read logical, educated voices who have been brave enough to walk away from this organization.
i was raised a jw, and every person that i personally know that has left has ended up miserable.
Welcome to the Forum D & A. Believe you me, all of us have been through this. It isn't easy at times but give yourself the credit for the strength that you have. You will find much support here. What always helps me deal with the whole "shunning" issue when dealing with family is this: As much as the JW's hate to admit it, their "love" for you is mearly conditional. As long as you go to the Meetings you are in. The minute you stop, so does their affection. And we ask, can this truly be love? Can this be the Christian attitude of putting on the "new personality"? I think not. So do not yeild, keep moving forward, you will find that with time it gets easier. Again, welcome.
hey everybody, check this story out.
i got a call from an inactive friend of mine today.
while we were just shooting the breeze, she happened to bring up something she heard at the hall from others.
Hey everybody, check this story out.
I got a call from an inactive friend of mine today. While we were just shooting the breeze, she happened to bring up something she heard at the hall from others. She said there is a lot of talk about the possibility of the ?end? coming in 2005. This is based on the reasoning that a lot of biblical prophesies, or things happening in general, are based on the number 7 and or 70 years. So what they claim is that since the name ?Jehovah?s Witnesses? was brought to the fore in 1935, then 70 years from that makes 2005.
Anyone else hear anything about this?
I don?t buy it?after all?it?s been 90 years since 1914 and still nothing. In another six years it will be 100 years! Don?t you think those that were allegedly at the ?age of accountability? in 1914 are pretty old as it is? Oh wait?they could all be dead by now!
brigido posted this introduction for us:.
hey everyone, i have been reading this forum for about a month and decided to join in...great forum.
i'm a licensed pilot, was an air traffic controller - got laid off, currently work in ground transportation...all of which by the way was frowned upon, mind you...and now i am working towards my certification in it systems technologies.
Thanks Seeitallclearlynow,
Its great to be aboard and also have a great means of support. It's nice to know there are many that are trying to move on in life.
Best wishes to you all.
12 years of schooling (and never stayed back, either) for me.....and you?
Hey everyone, I have been reading this forum for about a month and decided to join in...great forum.
I'm a licensed pilot, was an air traffic controller - got laid off, currently work in ground transportation...all of which by the way was frowned upon, mind you...and now I am working towards my certification in IT Systems Technologies. I am so glad that I didn't let anyone discourage me and pressed on with my education. I would be nowhere without it. To many JW's have wasted their years and now suffer in poverty because of a lack of skills. But wait...they are blessed! Right!!! Don't get me started on that...I'm sure we could go on and on about that one!
Glad to be aboard, hello to all.