JoinedTopics Started by elvis
Freakin Song Stuck in my head
by unique1 in"twas nissan fourteen when your glory was seen, your love justice wisdom and might.
" am i the only one who has this stuck in their head thanks to all the memorial talk?
it is driving me bonkers!
"Brothers and sisters, open your hearts and your wallets." - Assembly day
by truthseeker ini received this from someone who recently attended the "keep your eye simple" special assembly day.. ----------------------------.
the title of this post was spoken by james pellechia, a bethel heavy.
after the mid afternoon song, bro pellechia reads the accounts report.. the circuit assembly account had a surplus of $3,000, the account balance was $47,000.
What are your goals in life that don't involve the WTS?
by John Doe ini'm just curious.
i know this is a wts discussion forum, but by some posts, it seems as if the wts never leaves some heads.
also, a lot seems to be conspiracy theory.
My Brother's Funeral (Part One)
by doodle-v insome of you may remember that last year my 21 year old brother died from leukimia.
the day after i posted about it here .