I received this from someone who recently attended the "Keep Your Eye Simple" Special Assembly Day.
The title of this post was spoken by James Pellechia, a Bethel heavy. After the mid afternoon song, Bro Pellechia reads the accounts report.
The circuit assembly account had a surplus of $3,000, the account balance was $47,000. Receipts were $9,000. And the cost of using the hall? $12,000!
After all the funds had been transferred to the Watchtower he said, "we have a deficit brothers of $3,500. Open your hearts and your wallets brothers and sisters. I know you will do the right thing."
Shortly afterwards, I noticed brothers carrying two large contribution boxes in front of the exits doors, which would face those leaving after the session.
This blatant sneakiness of moving contribution boxes in place and Bro. Pellechia's scam is nauseating.
Anyway, here is the assembly program...
Morning Session
Prior to music, an announcement was stated: "Brothers and sisters, we will be playing delightful music that you will find enjoyable. This has been provided by the faithful and discreet slave." - Yes, this was really said. Talk about 1984.
9:40 Music
9:50 Song No. 26 and Prayer
10:00 Why Keep Your Eye Simple? Usuallspiel about TV, Internet, Higher Education taking the time of brothers and sisters who need that time for personal study and family study.
10:15 Reap Blessings For Keeping A Simple Eye - interview with an elder, his wife and two chidren who moved to a smaller house to be near their job, so they could pioneer. Throughout the course of the day, interviewees were never ordinary rank and file; no they were Bethelites, Circuit Overseers and regular pioneers.
10:40 Be Sound In Mind - The End Draws Near - the speaker they had was dynamic, but I couldn't help thinking how many times I had heard this before.
Speaker presented SIX lines of POWERFUL EVIDENCE:
1) We are in the last days as spoken of by Paul's letter to Timothy.
2) The composite sign Jesus spoke about is happening now, since 1914.
3) The number of genuine anointed is dwindling. There will still be anointed ones on earth during the tribulation.
4) We are in the feet of the image mentioned in Daniel - "no brothers," the speaker says, "we are in the toes of the image."
5) We are in the time period of the 8th King - speaker mentions all previous kings and says the United Nations is the eight king - there are no more kings.
side note: If the UN is a King, who are its subjects?
6) I can't remember a sixth, but these powerful lines of evidence have been published in a Watchtower study article a few years ago.
10:55 Song No. 9 and Announcements - "We would like to thank you for the co-operation regarding the matter of chewing gum..."
11:05 Keeping a Simple Eye in a Wicked World - interviews with families and pioneers.
11:35 Dedication and Baptism: Yes, the old devil himself is tempting all you new ones
12:05 Song No. 152
Afternoon Session
1:20 Music
1:30 Song No. 164
1:35 Experiences
1:45 Watchtower Summary - interesting, one of the paragraphs says that disgruntles ones whos expectations have not been fulfilled, start making use of the world to its full, careers, university education and hobbies.
2:15 Parents Who Aim Their Arrows Aright - Interview with family and their six kids - all are regular pioneers, servants etc. It's a shame that they ignore the average Joe publishers who can only do 4 hours a month while working full time to support his family.
2:30 Youths Who Reach Out For Spiritual Goals - you can guess this one, more of the same pioneer, Bethel, Gilead service.
2:45 Song No. 157 and Announcements
2:55 Focus on Moving Ahead with Jehovah's Organization
Interesting this item, speaker actually said, that we may have questions or doubts which go unanswered for a long time, that is privately held views ans such. IF we allow these to fester, we could experience a crisis of faith and go apostate!!! Of course, the remedy is do research, but only in the Bible based publications.
3:55 Song No.222 and Prayer
The whole theme of the Special assembly Day was "Keep Your Eye Simple."
I would suggest the Watchtower apply these words when printing their voluminous literature
"A few things or just one is necessary." - The Bible