A blind man walks into a shop with his dog. He picks his dog up and starts swinging it around. The shop keeper asks what he is doing. The blind man replies, "just looking around".
Posts by Kaput
Blind man walking
by startingover inhusband and wife are waiting at the bus stop with their nine children.
a blind man joins them after a few minutes.. when the bus arrives, they find it overloaded and only the wife and the nine kids are able to fit onto the bus.. .
so the husband and the blind man decide to walk.
How many did you get out of the JWs?
by greendawn inhow many jws did you convert to being ex jws or interested persons to being uninterested in the wts?
12.....and counting.
How many former JW witness current this forum
by PyroJoe init tough.
feelings are without explaination.
please allow me to feel others in grief.
When it was time to go, it was time to go.
by Broken Hearted infor a week now i have been on this sight, the watch tower sight, reading 3 diffrent translations of the bible ( kj, nwt, and new american standard,) would have a 4th translation if i could read greek because i also have a greek new testament.
i have also been in long conversations with the guy that is a jw and find myself overwhelmed.
i am getting addicted to all this and the research.
{JWs are not allowed to call out to Jesus}
Hmmmm....sounds like the Masons.
Have you ever had a prayer answered?
by nicolaou inprayer topics seem to be the bandwagon of the moment so i'm jumping on!
seriously, has anyone here asked for something specific in prayer and actually gotten what they asked for?
what convinces you that you wouldn't have got it in any case?
I prayed that I would get "the truth". Thirty years after becoming a JW I got it.
by Broken Hearted infor a week now i have been on this sight, the watch tower sight, reading 3 diffrent translations of the bible ( kj, nwt, and new american standard,) would have a 4th translation if i could read greek because i also have a greek new testament.
i have also been in long conversations with the guy that is a jw and find myself overwhelmed.
i am getting addicted to all this and the research.
Broken Hearted --
Lots of great advice so far. You're getting the benefit of many years of research all crammed into one day's worth of replies to your topic. Good to see you've begun "the journey". Take your time but just keep going.
by lola28 in.
i don't know what's wrong with me, i am so tired and feel like falling asleep, please help keep me awake!.
Hey lola!
Didn't we already go through this when you were pushin' for Jedi?
"1975" in Time, July 18 1969
by Lady Lee inwell, i have been sorting through thousands of files i have collected over the last 10 years about jws and the wts.
it is going to take a while but eventually elsewhere will get them.
but every now and then i will post something that i had no idea i had.. like this little gem.. it was very common for the media to be in attendance at the dcs.
What the hell is Knorr wearing in that picture ? It looks like a lab coat or something .
Sure is a lab coat...and the dubs are the lab rats. Knorr to Freddie Franz: "Hmmmm....let's see what happens after '75 comes and goes. Might have to change their 'food'."
Is it just me
by MsMcDucket indoes it seem like a lot of people on the board who are active witnesses are being attacked?
is there a spy among us?
or am i just paranoid?
Try this one...least he's got a nose.
Is it just me
by MsMcDucket indoes it seem like a lot of people on the board who are active witnesses are being attacked?
is there a spy among us?
or am i just paranoid?
I was just kidding MsMcDucket....I probably should've thrown up a !
Hey ballistic! What's with the new avatar? You looked better w/o the Michael Jackson surgery!