All those books lined up on the shelf. Didn't it look so neat and tidy in their rainbow of colors.
It's the Watchtower's version of feng shui.
how does truth format itself into books with a certain number of chapters and pages?.
how does truth truth format itself into study articles of a certain length?.
how does truth get formatted into a sudy of a certain length (1 hour a week for 6 months - at least when i was a jw)?
All those books lined up on the shelf. Didn't it look so neat and tidy in their rainbow of colors.
It's the Watchtower's version of feng shui.
i had 15 to reset to daylight saving time last night.
there was the cook stove, coffee maker, mivrowave, tvs, alarm clocks, electric clocks, wind up clocks, car clocks, wrist watch.
the dvd player and computers did it automatically.
All of 'em.
seems like 8 out of 10 have back pain.
i've always wondered why so many do.. you, and how do you deal with it?.
Get a bottle of Xango and take 2 oz. in the A.M. and 2 oz. at supper every day. Unless there's something seriously wrong, you should notice a difference within a week. My 2 cents.
it seems that growth just slows and slows. i suspect if it was not for hispanic immigration the us would have been negative for a long time now!
i go to a spanish congregation and i hear the english bros always say how there is no growth any more.
I reckon it's all made up anyway.
Don't trust anything they say!
That's about the size of it! If they lied to us from the beginning, why are they going to tell the truth now?
this was just added to youtube...a news station video of the wtbts in ny.
notice the high $$$$ furnishings.
there are several comments by current jws who find the video "upbuilding".
Ya got THAT right!
this was just added to youtube...a news station video of the wtbts in ny.
notice the high $$$$ furnishings.
there are several comments by current jws who find the video "upbuilding".
Correct-o-mundo, GermanXJW.
i found a good text online, about early christianity: .
...the text has nothing to do with islam at all, but it is published on a web-page that tries to reach out to moslems...(never mind that, it`s not important).
Can you honestly say Jesus was the one who slew millions in the OT?
No...but in the NT he commands a front row seat when the angels put a whuppin' on his enemies! Luke 19:27 -- "Moreover, these enemies of mine that did not want me to become king over them bring here and slaughter them before me."
this was just added to youtube...a news station video of the wtbts in ny.
notice the high $$$$ furnishings.
there are several comments by current jws who find the video "upbuilding".
Its hard to believe ALL THAT is off the back of just selling books and magazines.
Don't forget the bequeathals and all that VOLUNTEER labor, too!
ok, my links usually dont work.
so fingers crossed, because this is so worth looking at.. anyone for a 'blessing of jehovah' fridge magnet?.
No. "Idle" worship.
i think that jehovah will bring salvation next month to all of us.
we, ex-jws with our lifes totally destroyed by the sect-tanic machine of lies of the cheattower, will inherit the paradise.
no entrance allowed to gay, lesbians and that kind of satanic tribes.
If you believers let me lead this world the peace and prosperity will be everlasting just like it says in your religious books.
Wow! Neato! Go right ahead and lead, bro'!