Yes...this book is an oft-overlooked gem, and somewhat hard to come by these days.
Yeah, I'll say! It's on ebay now with a starting bid of $2,000.00!
"a people for his name" by timothy white is an early, but still excellent, book about the history of the jws.. here is a page containing portions from the book.
Yes...this book is an oft-overlooked gem, and somewhat hard to come by these days.
Yeah, I'll say! It's on ebay now with a starting bid of $2,000.00!
here's my new avatar?
i don't know does it say slutty too much!.
love, freedomlover
He must be. He's still in the back seat.
so last night i was in the basement.
it was dark, just the light in the crawl space was on.
i happened to see something moving out of the corner of my eye, so i turned.
Have you ever had a paranormal experience that you're comfortable can't be explained by anything other than something supernatural?
Plenty of 'em...after a while you get tired of worryin' about it.
in another topic on the recent education issue of the watchtower society, this question came up.
below is what i wrote on that topic.
i was wondering if anyone else remembered this?.
Just heard that some have or were being sent for EMT training.
Another perk for the GB.
okay, i know this has been beat into the ground, but i just remembered an old family story told to me when i was about 13.
my great uncle, back in the 40s/50s, was a witness.
actually, a witness and elder most all his life until he died in the 80s, i believe.
Curious, does anyone have any Watchtower, Awake! or other literature regarding the JW stance on membership in Masonic Lodges?
Oct. 8, 1974 Awake, pg. 28; 1971 Yearbook, pgs. 114-115; 1970 Yearbook, pg. 203. That's the "newest" light I could find.
is pregnant.
Congrats to Derrick & Robin!!
This could be a fun thread.
it has been over 10 months now since i stopped going to the kingdom hall.
i had imagined how i would really find my way to god now that i was no longer being misled by the wts ( for - profit) publishing company.
i kept reading the bible, because people on jwd had told me how i would see it in a different light.
But to me, the journey towards knowledge of God or no God is rather annoying, it never seems to end.
That's about the size of it.
You've been given some good advice in this thread. Take time to reflect on it. Over time, you'll come to your own conclusions. So don't stress --- chill, or you might develop A-Fib or somethin'.
flash--november 16, 2005, peoria, il.. instead of merry christmas, happy hannukah (or chanukah), kwanza, etc.all merchants are to use a generic term instead.
no use of santa, a nativity scene or any christian or other religious symbolage may be used in store displays, on advertising on upon product packaging.
use instead nondescript wintry animals, snowflakes and candycanes to signify the holiday season.. the committee on political correctness is expected to issue a final ruling by friday on whether "festivus" may be used.. -merchants for appropriate designations.
Even though Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus, I am outraged by the blatant anti-religious sentiment in the commercial sector.
Guess the dubs are finally making some headway in business territory.
[23:23] so friends, hypothetically, and i repeat, hypothetically, even if an angel were to come down here and land on this platform, today, at this moment, and to present something to us that didn't fit into the pattern of truth, what should we be ready to do?
we should be ready to say, " hold on there, that doesn't fit into the pattern, and i am not going to listen to it!
" yes, even if it were one of jehovah's angels..
So we listen to Jehovah, by listening to the Fine Shepherd, Christ Jesus. And we do that, today, by listening to the Faithful and Discreet Slave, who Jesus appointed over all his belongings to give us our spiritual food at the proper time.
Typical top-down hierarchical arrangement.
And we listen to the elders, who listen to the circuit overseers, who listen to the district overseers....yadda yadda yadda.
live in concert that is ... brilliant .
can't remember the playlist but he did some real classics from the entire range of his recording career.. now, i only have to see girls aloud and have them bring elvis back from the alien base and life will be complete
And there is only one thomas ... DYLAN !!