As Stev mentioned, "Timothy White" appears to be a pseudonym. There were a number of statements in White's book that would certainly not cast the religion in a favorable light. The following is an example of such. It's an excerpt taken from page 372 of "A People For His Name":
"When one becomes a Witness he cuts off from himself all former friends and builds an entirely new life completely wrapped up in his religion. He becomes separate from the world, renounces many of his hobbies, sports and other interests. Even his secular job becomes second in importance. If he is an extrovert, as all successful witnesses must be, he gains happiness in his new role of spiritual salesman. His interest and energy become centered on the multifarious activities of the New World Society -- preparing talks, conducting studies, teaching his children, attending assemblies and working at them and associating with his new found friends. A disfellowshipping cuts him suddenly and sweepingly off from all of this. His brothers avoid him for fear of becoming in like condition and he may no longer give talks at meetings. He cannot discuss religion at all with his wife and she takes over the teaching of the children for fear he may contaminate them with wrong ideas."