Talk about bitin' the hand that feeds ya. I think the JWs owe the Catholic church a tremendous "thank you" for giving them half the name of their religion. As the Aid to Bible Understanding book brings out on pages 884-885, "The first recorded use of this form [Jehovah] dates from the thirteenth century C.E. Raymundus Martini, a Spanish monk of the Dominican Order, used it in his book Pugeo Fidei of the year 1270 C.E."
Posts by Kaput
Why did Jehovah give the job of writing the BIBLE to the Catholics?
by gumby inthis is a thread which was inspired by our own hot little mary.. jehovahs witnesses claim that since pentecost of 33 c.e., there has been a faithful and discreet slave class that was appointed by jesus himself and that this slave class was "entrusted" with all of jesus belongings ( dispensing spiritual food to his followers and the rest of mankind).
oddly, when it came to gods own word to mankind being compiled ( the bible), ......jehovah chose the catholic church to dispense, audit, compile his message!
imagine that!
607BCE or 587/586BCE explained
by truth about the last days inhello all to all my brothers of the faith.
i have some information in relation to the dates 607bce and 587/586bce, with the simple explanation of the 70years exile.
the wt still sticks with the 607bce due to the fact that the governing bodys explains that the jews returned back at about 537bce, assuming that they were finished with their bondage.
does the WTBTS have historians?
No. Just "celebrated WT scholars".
I think there are some wonderful loving witnesses still out there. I think in most cases the loving ones are the long timers that have been around for many years. My parents fit in to this category. They send lots of money to helping witnesses in New Orleans almost weekly. They are loving and non-judgmental and always helping others. To bad its usually individual witnesses like this that do the most and NOT the organization. I fear that my parents will end up "under the gun" for there continued association with me.
I think your last sentence here pretty much sums up how "loving" JWs really are. The relationships within the religion are all conditional upon whether or not you are a member. That's the rule for EVERYONE...parents, children, grandparents, etc. No exceptions. Any serious disagreement with the "powers that be" and you're out the door in a New York minute. The "love" is only for brothers & sisters in the faith. Tell some of your relatives or "close" friends in the congregation that you disagree with what the FDS says and you'll soon be wondering, "where's the love?" The problem with the R&F is they've allowed the shepherds to become "masters of their faith" and, really, that's what it's all about. If most JWs suddenly came to their senses and walked, that's the end of a publishing empire and a long-time experiment in mind control...something truly fit for Ripley's Believe It or Not.
whats reasonable to note on biblical aliens
by Franz inthere are many types (group) of aliens (and their ufos) , 4 at least .
they (2 types at least) live here (on earth) , by god's permission , long before we are here
1 (at least) type of alien is extra-terestrial by origin
Franz, I'm from Missouri.
They're good at brainwashing.
Can you celebrate your 100th birthday when you are a JW?
by blondie inas a devout jehovah's witness, mrs. merle is prohibited from celebrating her birthday.
but a week from tomorrow, relatives and friends will flock to the camoset village country living mobile home park in johnstown to attend a super bowl party that just happens to feature ice cream and cake.. "that's why we're calling it a super bowl party," explained her son bob merle, 73, who lives just five trailers down the road.
"we don't celebrate birthdays, but we have to celebrate 100 years," said mrs. mechem, 78.
Birthday/anniversary, really what's the difference?
Nobody got their head lopped off at an anniversary party.
So tell us about yourself..................
by lucifer in.
so i'm bored out of my mind at work so i am starting this thread to keep me busy.
tell us something no one knows about you.. i'll start---> i'm a vegetarian, have been for four years, not a vegan though
Here ya go, PaNiCAtTaCk --- one for you
one for your wife -
In Honor of the "BIG NEWS," Put Your WTS Anecdotal Metaphor Here!
by Frannie Banannie ini was thinking about the "big news" concerning the wts blood policy and the legal ramifications to the wts re: the child molestation-rape-physical abuse issues.
i considered how the scriptures address babylon the great as a harlot and how the ot shows a harlot will have her skirts raised and be exposed for what she is.. i recognized that the wts has usurped the mediator's place and given themselves the title as the only mediator between god and mankind, and the fds (feminine deodorant spray?
) is the "bride class" and how they are now being exposed as the cancerous pimple on the butt of humanity that the wts is via the media's turning their attention to the legal issues surrounding the abuse and denial of blood transfusions for their members, causing loss of lives.. i thought of the children's movie, "the little mermaid," wherein the sea witch had stolen the voice of the little mermaid and was manipulating her way to the altar as the prince's bride when the bird's attacked, causing her to be exposed as the wicked sea witch that she was.
The train stopped in Pampa to take off some dead guy wrapped in a sheet. Be there as soon as I can.
Symbolic generation. Does it extend batting time for WTBTS?
by Spectrum inbefore coming on this forum i didn't know that the jws had changed the generation definition from literal to symbolic and i obviously predicted that this religion will be finished when that last 1914 codger dies.
when i found out that they had changed their definition i thought, bloody hell this religion is going to go on forever.
then i thought that no, they are going to fade out, then i settled on, they are going to survive just like the catholics and orthodox.
I do agree that there are many, many people who need the regimented lifestyle in order to feel good enough, or whatever. But I think there are an equal number who feel completely trapped, and don't have the skills to find their way out. The longer they stay in, the harder it is to leave. And imo, the worst part of the JWs is the fact that one can be so trapped. That's part of what makes it a cult.
Does God make Mistakes or Bad Decisions?
by gumby ingenesis 6:5-7, 8:21. god decides to send a great flood to kill all humans, save noah and his family, because man's heart is evil.
"and god saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.... and the lord said, i will destroy man whom i have created from the face of the earth.".
later, after the flood waters recede, god promises never to do it again because man's heart is evil.
Now, dear brother/sister.....according to some talks I've heard in Assemblies, Halls.....YOU my dear will be buring and burning the parts of dead bodys, our dear old sister suchandsuch will walk around with one mans arm in one hand and some other guys ripped off head in her other hand.....just like cleaning up the Kingdom Hall.....very nice, don't forget the vaccuum cleaning dear sister suchandsuch....there is some dust on the floor....ehm, I mean some blood and stinking corpses......
Trojan, who gave the talks? Wes Craven?