Shalom, Gort, mah shlom cha?............klatu----barada-----nikto.
Edited by - Bhagavad on 21 June 2002 1:40:25
Shalom, Gort, mah shlom cha?............klatu----barada-----nikto.
Edited by - Bhagavad on 21 June 2002 1:40:25
palestinian kills 5 in west bank settlement three days of attacks kill 31 israelis .
june 20, 2002 posted: 6:56 pm edt (2256 gmt).
paramedics evacuate an israeli soldier thursday after a palestinian gunman wounded him in the itamar settlement.
Is it possible that Islam could begin to be viewed as a great Threat to Worldwide Peace and Security?
post a favorite thing quote comment your c.o.
(outlandish or outrageous) .
the last one i had was talking about how he had to move around.
Steve Konjavich, DO in San Antonio a number of years ago, when introducing himself as the new DO at a circuit assembly, went on and on and ON about Konjavich being a Serbian name and what it meant, and lots and lots of stuff about the joys of being Serbian. Not long after, the whole Serbian anti-Bosnian genocidal Balkan fun and games stories hit the fan and stayed there for a long time. I hope he was at least embarassed about what a deal he made out of being a Serb. I thought Jehovah's people were not nationalistic. Yeah, right.
looking to get in contact with any xjw's in la, especially in the southeast-downey,hp,bell
Pacific Palisades.
from today there will be a new boe letter posted every day on the watchtower observer.. on these letters will be downloadable as pdf documents, and every day i'm at home a new letter will be posted.
i will keep on doing this for more than a year, so keep yourself updated.. .
Thank you Kent. I downloaded the first five, but had problems with 1984_02_01.pdf and could not download it.
there's a possibility that jesus went to india and was influenced by hinduism/buddhism during the "lost years" between his ages of 12 and 30. see the site
fascinating info to review.
if it's worth considering, then we might ask: .
There's a possibility that Jesus went to India and was influenced by Hinduism/Buddhism during the "lost years" between his ages of 12 and 30. See the site Fascinating info to review. If it's worth considering, then we might ask:
** Why did the Gospel writers not mention anything about it? Did they not know about it or did they keep it a secret? It seems that they would have heard SOMETHING about it.
** Could Jesus' foster father Joseph have accompanied him to India and died before they could return to Nazareth? Whose idea might it have been to go to India anyway? It always bothered me that there is no more mention of Joseph after Jesus was 12 years old. It's as if he had been disfellowshipped.
** If Jesus' life and teachings were a reflection of or influenced by Hindu and Buddhist concepts, then the Great Apostasy may have been, instead of just lots of "bad men" subverting the Christian congregation, a result of a continuing quest to find out or define who Jesus really was. Scriptural and historical fundamentalism may just not have been satisfying to inquiring minds then as now.
** So the 3 Magi may not have been as evil or as duped as Watchtowerism insists, but could have been a part of the whole Hindu-Buddhist-Middle East religious and cultural continuum (not yet cut in two by Islam) that was as interested in Jesus as in Buddha and Krishna (read about the historical parallels to see why).
These are only a few reasoning points that have come to me as I've perused the above web site. There will be many more. It's heartwarming to be able to THINK and REASON again after years of attempting to pursue religion first the Catholic Cathechism way and then the Watchtower Catechism way.
I hope some of you will like what you find on the web site as I have.
has anyone else seen the july 8th awake!?.
it's cover features a picture of a police man and a young boy and asks the question "police, why do we need them"?.
does anyone else see the irony of this in light of the dateline publicity?
They kiss the Government's ass, they kiss each other's ass, they expect their members to kiss THEIR asses, while they continue to spout mindless drivel and call it Inspiration from Jehovah's Spirit. "To think that people actually respond to this crap as if it's spiritual food from God," and they always have it ass backwards too.
In point #11, it's apparent that those who are NOT prepared for violence (World Trade Center, etc) INVITE violence from those who experience great glee at harming defenseless ones. Being prepared can and should be a deterrent to those who would attack those otherwise unprepared and defenseless.
The Watchtower and its adherents do not live in the real world but in some kind of Dick-and-Jane fantasyland.
And when they say, "In many countries it is illegal even to possess firearms for self-defense", it's their whining way of trying to snowjob people into feeling that somehow this is how it should be, and not how this simply shows that a basic freedom has been LOST in those countries. What evil idiots!
from the days of russell the watchtower has sort to understand prophecy to in effect act as a prophet.
yet it has failed.
but wait, didn't pastor russell (and others) "prophesy" 1914?
When I was an early JW my wife and I saw a VW van parked in a San Ysidro, CA, Spanish Kingdumb Hall parking lot. It was very hot outside and must have been fiery hot in the closed van, because glued to the dashboard was a plastic Watchtower, just like a Catholic plastic Jesus, and it was bent over like a limp noodle, from the heat. We both laughed because it was a MEXICAN Kingdumb Hall. Little did I realize I should have taken a more serious cue from that event.
wild turkey and his elder friend ( who is still in ) were talking about this last nite.
seems like most of the pioneers we knew in our area were moochers(sp?
) they would go to any means to save a penny,.
I knew a Reg Pio (Bill) that was so cheap he was always asking others what time it was (too cheap to buy a Timex) and always borrowed pens and pencils to keep track of his FS. His wife (Stacy) was a tall blonde corker of a girl, a Reg Pio also. One wondered what such a dazzler saw in Mr. Mooch. Musta been spearchul qualities. She was such a knockout you didn't really notice the little white Bunny at the bottom of one of her sunglass lenses, although it WAS appropriate for her looks. If she'da come to my door before I were a JW I sure woulda invited her in for some refreshment. Some Examples to the Flock wanted to fry her ass because of the Hef connection, even tho I think she just liked the sunglasses. Hope she moved on to bigger and better.
how would the wt public information explain their position on other crimes such as bank robbery, rape, or even murder?
would they present their position in the same way as child molestation?
if so here is an example for wt media to post with the proper changes.. .
Silentlambs' WT comment in his second-to-last paragraph reads:
"We do not believe that our system is perfect. No human organization is perfect."
I was led to believe that the Watchtower organization is "theocratic," "spirit-directed." Their comment above contradicts that understanding. The phrase "human organization" seems to imply that they are divided, confused, and not any more worthy of consideration as purveyors of spiritual knowledge and Bible understanding than Roto-Rooter, Safeway or General Motors, for example.