2005's gonna have to really kick butt to cover the ground 2004 did!
I couldn't say better myself! What a nice year that was!
what was your biggest intelectual/philosophical/psychological/religious discovery of the year 2004?
was there anything new that you "understood" about our existence?
did you learn something new about human relations or your spirituality?
2005's gonna have to really kick butt to cover the ground 2004 did!
I couldn't say better myself! What a nice year that was!
since i stopped being a jw i haven't prayed.
so the other day i went to supper at my parent's house who are still jw's, and they prayed before we ate.
it was a very strange feeling, and it stirred up alot of weird feelings.
I do! And even if I didn't believe in God, I would... like Narkissos. Maybe there's a God in each of us...
this poor fellow got in trouble with the watchtower society over copyright laws and got reprimanded.
instead of standing up for his rights, he just "kisses xxx.
" read his acquiescing response.. http://www.desinger.com/scriptures/conclusion.html
SOOO!!! The witnesses want the whole world to know about the good news.... BY HIDING THEM?
I agree with b12: their attitude is like shooting their own foot.
hi everyone, i don't mean to burden anyone with my problems, but hope that i can get some feedback.
in sept. i met a guy whom i assumed was happily married.
we worked together for 4 weeks at the first job and became pretty close friends.by then i already knew how much i was liking him.
I don't know much what to say, just my 2 cents:
- I don't think he's being as honest to you as you are to him!
Some (many?) witnesses act totally different when they're among their peer witnesses and when they think they are in a "worldly" ambience. The fact is, they try to appear "normal" to non-witnesses, but in fact they hide their true self.
He's probably afraid of the congregation's response when they find out what happened! He will be on his way to disfellowshipping (which means the witnesses won't even TALK to him anymore) and is possibly looking for a way to get away with it lightly.
For good reasons he has been hiding many things from you: because if you knew better about the witnesses' cult, you would not give him any chance! For instance: witnesses oppose blood transfusions, even in situations where they may be the only chance of survival. Witesses oppose higher education in Universities. Witnesses say that the celebration of birthdays, Christmas, new year, Easter, Valentines, etc. is derived from pagan and demonic sources... Can you imagine what your life will be like after he opens up to you and tells you what he REALLY believes?
The real problem lies nowhere in living together. Or in divorce and remarriage. I guess no one here believes that God requires people to be imprisoned in a bad marriage. The problem is: your life is probably going to turn into hell if this guy intends to marry you AND keep his beliefs as a witness.
Get informed! Your life is on the line!
Otherwise, I truly hope it'll all end well for you.
Allyson Hannigan:
"They don't look like they need any help- AND BESIDES WE'VE GOT OUR TIME IN FOR THE MONTH"
I dont know why theyre bothering to clean it up, its just gonna get destroyed in armageddon anyway.
scenario: i've had an elder call me a couple times now over the last seven years.
our conversations have gone similar to the one below, but the one below is what i'm going to say this next time and see what happens:.
elder calls: brother xxx where have you been.
So, you're one of the 5 new annointed that turned up last year?
Thought I was in for some competition...
i am so terrified!.
#2 daughter came home from college on 12/18 with a violent headache, nausea, neck pain and great fatigue.
we took her to the dr. on the 20 and again on the 21st as she had kept nothing down for 3 days.
((((Brenda & Lena)))))
My Girlfriend's nephew had the same problem. He was a baby, though. Doctors said that after the operation he could be a little retarded OR very intelligent. There was no way of predicting. Fortunately, the latter turned out to be true.
These are the times when a prayer comes in very handy! We're all praying for you!
"Fortunately, we Jdubs are protected by Jehoober, unlike those unbelievers over there..."