So, Taylor... do you look nice in a dress? Ì'd like to see that. No running arount town, though...
JoinedPosts by melmac
Were Stories Told About You When You Left The "Truth"?
by minimus indid stories, exaggerations and fables turn up after you left the "faith"?
Are boxer briefs gay???
by Elsewhere ini was just watching a sit-com and someone made a reference to boxer briefs as being a sign a guy is gay.
i like boxer briefs!
they are the best of both worlds... a combination of boxers and briefs.
I only wear boxer briefs. And my boyf... er... girlfriend loves them.
Watchtower, Russell, Freemasons and the Illuminati
by truth_about_the_truth indear friends,
here is some intriguing info on the real history of the watchtower organization and the hidden agenda and role that they play in relation to the new world order.
i've pasted an excerpt here which i find especially interesting.
Hey, truth... is it my impression or your avatar is trying to hypnotize me?
Five tips for a woman...
by Special K infive tips for a woman....
1. it is important that a man helps you around the house and has a job.. .
2. it is important that a man makes you laugh.
If you don`t mind, I'll be man number 4.
Pioneerers can count up to 25 hours for taking special language
by DaCheech inone of the latest announcement letters from the wts is that people should attend special.
classes setup for the purpose of preaching to foreign language communities.
these special classes are.
Maybe bethelites count time for monitoring this forum...
by Mary injwben said in another post (watchtower redflags):
some of you strongly disagree that the wts want let jws have their own ideas.
i will find matterial that shows that they can.
Interesting conversation at work last Friday
by cruzanheart inthe wife of one of our lawyers is a judge here in dallas, and i overheard her husband telling a couple of other lawyers about this really tough case she has right now: deciding to issue a court order to give blood to premature twins whose parents are witnesses.
i popped in with "i'm an ex-jw -- ask me anything" so he and i started talking about the blood issue.
the father of the twins was in tears in the courtroom -- not because of his babies getting blood but because he was afraid he would be accused of giving his consent to the blood transfusion.
So the elders represent the parents...mmm. It got me thinking. Here in Brazil, there are two kinds of representatives: those established by law (in this case, the parents themselves) or those established by will (but, as this is a case of life and death, the representative has to be a lawyer). So, according to the letter of the law, there would be no way that the liaison comittee could "represent" the parents. Their word could be considered nothing more than religious advice, but it's very unlikely to prevail over medical advice. I don't know to what extent U.S. law is similar, but those issues don't tend to go well for witnesses around here. I don't know of any decision allowing parents to withdraw blood transfusion from their sons, but there are many imposing such transfusion.
WT a Member of International Federation of Religions and Minority Philosoph
by Bluegrass Tom ini found an active web site: which indicates that the watchtower society is/was a member of the international federation of the religions and minority philosophies.
this website is in french.
if you use google to navigate to it, google will translate into english for you.. this is an association founded in switzerland and france on october 7, 1992, and is directed against the association's anti-sects.
Even more reason for the WTS to decry the internet. How else were we going to know that?
God's intervention?
by disciple indo you perceive that god intervenes in your daily life?.
for instance , if you were not making enough money to cover your unexpected expenses would you pray specifically to god for that expense or expenses to be covered?
did he provide?.
Hey, Peggy. My father always asks: "How come when good things happen, it's the Glory of God, but when bad things happen, nobody says a word about God? Like, if someone escapes a plane crash, he was saved by God... but how about the ones who died?"
My girlfriend believes this BS that God intervenes in every little aspect of her life. I try not to detract from her faith, but it's so strange when you see it for what it`s worth.
What I think is something like: "Please stop praying for your car to start, so God will have more time to anwer to those praying for the sick and poor! - If he does answer, we gotta maximize our odds!"
by TresHappy injehovah's witness blood drive...
Sunday talk: Religion is a snare and a racket.