Wheeeew! That was a close call. Glad you're all right.
JoinedPosts by melmac
I crashed my car
by Vivamus inlast wednesday was an ordinary workday for me.
with one exception, my employer, vodafone, had organised a sales challenge party in bussum, that?s between hilversum and amsterdam.
as a consequence, our shop closed at 4 pm.
Crisis of Conscience
by Thinking inmy copy came in and i picked it up today.
i have a friend that i met online.....about 5 years ago.
at the time he was an elder and i was a struggling sister.
I read it in 3 days. But was out of the Borg long before that. Wish I had read it waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back.
Send good vibes...
by Country Girl inmy mother was out in pioneer service yesterday with another sister.
their car was broadsided by another car, running a red light, drunken driving, and both women were tragically hurt.
my mother sustained head injuries, and some other broken bones.
I wish them good recovery. My prayers for them. But I still don`t understand how your mom could be sent home in her state. She should be under observation.
God bless you all.
by Dansk indear all,.
it's a little over a year now (2 years last february) that my family and i left watchtower and i can't begin to tell you how wonderful life has been!.
ok, i'm saddled with a serious illness at present and enough has been said about it, but i'd just like to focus on how much a family can really grow once it has been freed from watchtower's yoke.
I really loved your account. Makes me think of my own children and the happiness I hope they will enjoy.
And I thought it wa John Bonham from Led Zep...
Do or Do not Do
by peacefulpete in" (greece; 4th century bce)
" (greece; 5th century bce)
2nd century bce.
"There is no try. Only Do or Not Do." -- Yoda
I love that quote.
I made a mistake
by under74 inthe other day i was on a site....looking for a certian news clip i had seen where an older news guy get's mad at the news anchor that replaced him on air...anyway a hit came up reading old news anchor and i downloaded it.
after it was done downloading i started playing it.
this guy's handing out things to certain people he calls by name at a press conference.
There was a co-worker here who used to access those "gory news" websites. I once caught a glimpse of it. Sickening to death. Fortunately, he worked at another room, so it didn`t happen again. BTW, he was a "christian" (Baptist)...
Some times, when I was at chat rooms (about 3 years ago), someone would come in and post those pictures of dead people (from forensics books). Before I had the chance to put him on "ignore" I would end up seeing some pics. And what is worse... some people encouraged the guy to keep posting. Irk!
Fuming, Angry, seething, seeing RED!!!!!!!!!!
by Gill inmy parents went to the assembly this weekend.
they were telling me about disciplining children... the speaker was saying how all babies are born selfish and demanding for their own needs and not anyone elses.
the jist of the talk being about discipline, and training children ...ie taking them out for a good beating.. well, i don't know if any of you have ever 'just seen red!
all babies are born selfish and demanding for their own needs and not anyone elses.
I thought the same description can be applied to the WTS!
Lego and the bible together at last. Praise the lord!
by New Worldly Translation in.
i've just spent about 2 hours looking on this site and laughing all the way through.. http://www.thebricktestament.com/.
it's the lunacy of the bible passages and the look on the little lego men's faces that tickle me.. am i just simple minded or do you find it funny too?
Well, I like it, too. But mostly as a complement to the Skeptics' Annotated Bible ( http://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com/ )
Just read through most of the Revelation Climax book
by M.J. in...if that ain't cult literature, i don't know what is!!
Such claims of fullfilling the prophecies of Revelation are what first made me question the WTS. The BS is so evident that even I could not swallow it!
I am now reading the "study guide" to the creation book. I can hardly believe how much they misquote their sources. If I hadn't seen it happen in other publications, I would be stunned.