All this talk about what Ray knows, or doesn't...
Ray is just a guy, like you and me, (sorry girls) and he needs to eat breath and sleep. A little enjoyment thrown in would be good.
Ray has written lots, as some have correctly pointed out. He is interested in getting what he's written into as many hands as possible.
He was not involved in any "UN thing", so what's to write? Any one of us can write UNUNUNUNUNUN. Who's listening?
For Ray to "write something" wouldn't matter any more than if you or I wrote something. He's written lots about what he HAD something to do with and needs time for other things now.
But, if some of you folks need for Ray to write something, then in my next letter to Ray, (and he always responds even though I told him there was no need) I will tell him to write a sentence or two about the UN thing. I might even write it for him and he can just copy it when he writes back. Then I will post it.
Sarcastic? Yes, but for those who insist that his writing of something will make the difference, that's only fitting.
Ray does not have 50 Reuters reporters on his doorstep just panting at the thought that he will emerge from his lair to impress the world with his wisdom!
Ray is, as I said earlier on, a guy... like the rest of us. And to my knowledge, the only thing he held back when he wrote CofC, was information about Chitty and Greenlees. And in ISOCF he mentioned their disgusting habits. So what's left?
Hey, we all want the tower to crumble. But ray ain't gonna bring it down. He chipped at the rock and it's cracking. He's led the way. Now it's up to the rest of us.
So, for the "Ray's gotta say something" crowd, GET OVER IT!