As soon as I read the Chicago article the other day, I emailed my local paper and CC'd Stephen the article. He said thanks but I had no idea that it would make the Guardian ...
stephen bates is at it again.
brother gillis will no doubt have a no comment on this one.. .,3604,596231,00.html.
As soon as I read the Chicago article the other day, I emailed my local paper and CC'd Stephen the article. He said thanks but I had no idea that it would make the Guardian ...
watch out wts, there is a "bx" behind you and he is pi$$ed
we're rolling!!!!!!!!!!!!.
This week, 200 area churches received the CCI mailout. That's about 65% of all churches here. If all good people go to church on Sunday, and the good Pastor does his part, then 50,000 people will be informed from Community Conscious International.
I hope others did likewise.
I am eager to hear what the local newspaper doods say when the phone starts to ring.
CCI letter to Churches.doc
this week, 200 area churches received the cci mailout.
that's about 65% of all churches here.
if all good people go to church on sunday, and the good pastor does his part, then 50,000 people will be informed from community conscious international.. i hope others did likewise.
This week, 200 area churches received the CCI mailout. That's about 65% of all churches here. If all good people go to church on Sunday, and the good Pastor does his part, then 50,000 people will be informed from Community Conscious International.
I hope others did likewise.
I am eager to hear what the local newspaper doods say when the phone starts to ring.
CCI letter to Churches.doc
this thread is for the serious soldier.
those who get involved here must mean business.. the link provided at bottom is to a three page letter, meant for all clergy everywhere.
it is the community conscious international newsletter informing all clerical persons of the latest watchtower scandal.
Ok. Email me your address, and I will snail you a copy.
note this gem from the 1999 january kingdom ministry:.
make good use of older books.
1 man has stored away millions of old books in libraries in every corner of the earth.
Something interesting on this. All the dubs want the "Live Forever" and the "United Nations in Worship" (woops strike the "Nations") that's "United in Worship" books.
Seems there's a concensus, the "Knowledge" book don't work.
But, those books have "old light" and the dubs want to know if they can just rip out the pages that are ... let's call stupid.
i wanted to pass along this personal experience.. the other day, my wife called me on the phone while i was at work.
keep in mind that she's unfortunately a blind jwfollowwhatevertheysay type.
she was all worked up.
I emailed you the info on CCI. Check out the post This Post For Real Soldiers under the Scandals and UN...etc link.
chronic fatigue syndrone, m e, yuppie flu.
i dont know if anyone else has noticed the alarming number of jws who claim to suffer from chronic fatigue syndrone,i mean hear in cornwall there tend to be several sufferers in every congregation,outside the jws out of the many people i know i dont know anyone,although there are obviosly many outside the jws who suffer this illness,percentage wise it seems that jws have a much,much larger occorance of the illness.. for example my brother in law has not worked and been living on invalidity benefits for more than 10 years since his mid twenties,his brother is also in the same boat, an m.e sufferer.. i wonder if anyone has looked into this a bit more?
This is OH so true!
I remember when "B", (a sis with CF,FM,whoknowshwatelse) was sitting in the third row from the back. The circuit overmeister went on hard about field service.
Well, "B" fell out of her chair into the aisle. The elders scurried for the wheelchair, scooped her from the floor and issued her out.
A few days later, at a wedding, she was dancing with every guy there. She had more energy than anyone else. Probably all that rest.
But there is a very high rate of cronic fatigue, and firbal myalgia(supposedly)
i wanted to pass along this personal experience.. the other day, my wife called me on the phone while i was at work.
keep in mind that she's unfortunately a blind jwfollowwhatevertheysay type.
she was all worked up.
It makes me think of a person who had bought some Nortel stock when it was about $80 CND. As it started to fall from $142/share, you tell them "Hey... look at the news... you had better sell!"
But they break out in a cold sweat and quiver uncontrollably.
You tell them, "Hey, sell... it $95/shr... get out while you can" and they practically go blind.
You say, "LOOK, it's at $80... beak even and get out" but they rip their clothes and cover their eyes.... can't believe it.
Then it's at $65 and you say "Take your loss and run" but they call you names.
Then it hit's $8.00 p/shr and you say "what the hell's the matter with you?"
i wanted to pass along this personal experience.. the other day, my wife called me on the phone while i was at work.
keep in mind that she's unfortunately a blind jwfollowwhatevertheysay type.
she was all worked up.
That's about what I have come to believe. I have big hopes. But hey, we are all getting older. I'd like it to happen while I am still young.(young at heart anyway)
i wanted to pass along this personal experience.. the other day, my wife called me on the phone while i was at work.
keep in mind that she's unfortunately a blind jwfollowwhatevertheysay type.
she was all worked up.
It's unfortunate. But here we are with it.
Another thing,.. I managed to tell my wife a few things here and there. One day, she says to me "I don't want to wake up one day and find out that we were in a cult..." and went on to lament that she would not want to find out too late that her child could have had a birthday party.
I thought the time was right, that her mind was beginning to open. I gave a little more info about a few things. But gently. Cause she can turn you know.
But alas, the Watchtower mind control kicked in again. I think I have to get her in mid cycle. Seems the hormones help the process.