This is the point, and YK should pay attention.
Lot's of people are watching this site. Now, some are thinking minds, and others are dopes.
I for one don't care how many dopes listen to the YK line of reasoning and suck it up like candy. If the whole world joined the 1st church of youknow, and went off into oblivion believing his twisted half Watchtower self styled doctrines, then so be it.
But for the few who have a working mind that can reason, well -they come here and read yk's crap, and then see his nonsense correctly and easily refuted. Then yk is shown to be a "baffoon" (to take from his own post) and yk's bilgewater helps the reasoning mind to have the truth reinforced, by comparing it to his nonsense.
So to yk, I say carry on. Feel free to interject your own prophecys often. Include something about flying saucers. Stand on your head and talk about the three faces of eve, and how your personal carma will save the world. Claim messiaship! Quote from the WTS too. Tie their nonsense in with your own. Mix it up into one big happy batch of idiocy. Help the world see what it looks like when buffalos defecate.
And when a reasonable post goes up, these thinking minds can see the difference between your muck and straight talk.
Watchtower, Watchtower ...built a great wall
They put them selves on it, and then they did fall