When the Watchtower stops detroying people who just want OUT, then we all will stop trying to put a noose around the necks of the Governing B's...
Edited by - biblexaminer on 1 September 2002 7:17:9
i cant help but think some of you guys are just tooooo angry for your past hurts.. weve all got terrible stories which can make us cry, but whats the motivation for such bitterness ?.
some people search out pervets, seemingly to lay these scumbags and their faults at the societys door.. others try to use thier bad times as an excuse to rubbish the entire religion.. i am not saying that jws are great, or that the society is perfect or undeserving of punishment.. but why are we not trying to even up the good points of the religion.. no smoking, no drugs, no abortion, on and on, and on.. and then try to remember the good times you all had at the meetings.
the laughs and the help you gave, and received.
When the Watchtower stops detroying people who just want OUT, then we all will stop trying to put a noose around the necks of the Governing B's...
Edited by - biblexaminer on 1 September 2002 7:17:9
i'm interested in obtaining one of the latest - 2002?
- wts cds.
if anyone has access to them, please email me.
When the order arrives, I will make a few copies and ship them out to you all. Then you all can also make a few and spread them.
My ETA on them is a few months though. I cannot order them right now.
did anyone catch the study 2 weeks ago when in one of the later paragraphs dealing with jehovah blessing his earthly organization, they actually admitted that jehovah had punished his earthly org in 1919?
i thought that was very interesting because usually the society would not even bring that up?
but it also brings up the point "what would prevent jehovah from disciplining his "earthly org" now for various wrong views and actions?.
On Sunday at the meeting, we will discuss how, in 1914, Jesus arrived at his house in Brooklyn. There he found his "faithful and wise servant" dilligently being faithful ...and wise, whom he subsequently "appointed over all his belongings". (put in charge of planet Earth)
On Thursday, we will discuss how, when in 1919 God came to his "spiritual temple" to cleanse it of all the "dungy" things. He needed to punish his "faithful and wise servant" for being unfaithful and stupid, and send them into "antitypical Babylonian captivity" (prison). Hence, God had their sorry asses thrown in the clink!
On Saturday night, at a JW party, I will sit in the corner and try to reconcile the two nonsenses.
that is how i see a life spent believing and pushing a lie.
i was looking for something to do with counting time for publishers and put that in my search on the wt cd and one of the things that came up was the life story of a man who had given his life to brooklyn thinking he was giving it to god.
"advance to maturity.".
I know a dear sister who is right now lamenting her wasted life. She is so torn up, but cannot leave the Borganization. Her relatives are hostages. What a shame. Wasted till now and planning to waste what's left.
paragraph 15 .....since 1919, the israel of god has obediently and consistently shed forth jehovah's light.. umm... let's see.
so it was jehovah who wanted all on earth to believe the end was coming in 1925, right after their "return from babylon"...... sure, blame it on god.. hey governing boob heads ... stick out your neck!
the axe is already laying at the root of the tree.... and the trunk is our neck.
Paragraph 15 .....since 1919, the Israel of God has obediently and consistently shed forth Jehovah's light.
Umm... let's see. So it was Jehovah who wanted all on Earth to believe the end was coming in 1925, right after their "return from Babylon".....
Sure, blame it on God.
Hey Governing Boob heads ... stick out your neck! The axe is already laying at the root of the tree.... and the trunk is our neck.
can someone tell me if there is a clear statement, preferably from the u.n., that shows the watchtower's dishonesty in this matter?
not long ago, i was discussing the u.n. situation with a jw friend.
he decided to call the wt legal department in this country.
Hey guys.... great thread. Hawk... good work 'ol buddy.
I haven't seen Paul Heoffel's name up here in a while. I should call him this week and thank him for that letter. He really doesn't understand just what he's done in wwriting that one.....
i read an article about a 1989 watchtower that stated the preaching work would be completed in our 20th century, but was revised in the bound volume to say "in our day".
i told my brother this and he said, "if it's on the net about jw's it's a lie".
i want to prove to him it was a fact.
The first I heard of this, I called my Dad. I didn't have a copy of the 89 WT rag, but i sure bet he did.
... and he did.
There we sat, looking at the bound volume side by side with it.
Showed it to another JW. He couldn't believe it.
None of them can.
BTW... the WT rag I got is not for sale, but I will scan it if you like.
below are a couple of coments from the bbc web page, youwill notice the typical jw response.
many more listed use the link below .
I am quite sure that if this had been a documentary on the Church of Scientology, or the Mormons, or, you guessed it, the Catholic Church, JWs would have lined up to cheer.
Just change the names from JWs to Catholics and whamo! the whole JW community would be lining up to do obesience to the producers.
But my good "Christian brothers" cannot see it. Satan has the whole mass of JWs blinded and they are all heading to a pit.
going door to door despite legal roadblocks and persecution - even mob attacks - jehovah's witnesses spread their messageby paul moses.
paul moses is a regular contributor to newsday.. .
In the lone dissent, Chief Justice William Rehnquist portrayed the case as a legal mismatch. Unlike the Witnesses, the residents of Stratton, he said, "do not have a team of attorneys at their ready disposal."
In the letter to all Stratton residents that I mailed to every home in Stratton just before this ruling, I highlighted the fact that Watchtower has a team of free lawyers at the ready, to drain Stratton through legal fees until they say "Uncle".
some witness theological beliefs are, man has free will, god can see the future.. i used to wonder how this could work.for if god could see you were going to do something then you must do it, otherwise god is wrong, so therefore you had no choice.. take judas for example.jesus is believed to have known he would be betrayed by him.in fact it is suppossed to have been prophesied in psalms that someone close to him would do so.. if god could see that judas would kill jesus then once this predicion was made judas had no choice no free will to choose not to.so either god can't really see the furture and can just make predictions or man has no free will.if when god looks into the future this causes an event to happen , its gods fault if he see something bad happening , as if he didn't look it would not have been set in stone.. if it is predictions that god makes (not acktual knowledge of what will happen)then what are these based on?.
knowledge of the human brain and how it works?if so, then man actions are purly based on mechanisms within the brain that are so rigid that you with enought knowledge can know them thousands of years before.so if mans sins it not his fault , theres nothing he can do about it , he has no free will.so god is not just in punishing him.. whichever way it does not work out as fair or logical that a god could see the future and for man to have free will..
"The way i used to see it was that god was outside of time and space"
Excellent conclusion. I came to this same conclusion years ago and only recently had the idea validated by a scientist/theologian who arrived at this from another starting point.
Good work! Carry on....