Our President represents many religions and cultures. No one should be set apart. I'm very concerned after reading about the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago USA the church that Barak Obama is actively a member. If you click on their Mission statement and consider what they're about... it should be deeply concerning. Why? Because they feel "a non-negotiable committment to Africa". Considering the different links on that page and substitute the word, "white", everywhere the word "black" appears.... if this were a white candidate supporting these separatist ideas you'd say, "Never should this person become President."
I'm not against someone choosing for themselves a religion or being proud of their heritage, BUT I am feeling very troubled when they are of the belief that one race is "supreme"/"chosen"/"royal priesthood" over others. This is a dangerous mindset all the way and there is no place for such in a nation's leader.
I encourage you to consider the entire site.