I hated dish duties, night watchmen duties.
On my last day at Bethel the people at my table would not speak to me even though we all had sat there for 14 months. This still saddens me although it has been 30 yrs. the pain is still there.
when you were at bethel..what sucked most ?breakfast/daytext/table overseer.monday night wt studytuesdays bookstudy at one of the local cong.wednesday evening fieldservicethursdays parts on the service meetingfridays "family evening" / evening fieldservicesaturdays quick build hall construction assistancesundays field service/meeting/late supperdaily sisters housekeeping/snooping through your possessionscar poolsallowance daylaundry day / missing clothing / badly sewed clothingboring libraryfarm duty !!!
stalls vs $#it vs gardeninginking the press!digging/carpentry/bricklaying/box packing/loadingnasty crotch grabbin roomiesnot gettin sum..except nasty looks from roomieslousy infermary (basic asprin cures all !!!
)longest pompous a$$ prayers going on and on and on....old anointed bro's ..that pee themselves and need help !assembly sound duty omg!food service overseeingparking attendant workapostate lookout/security work (it does exist guys !
I hated dish duties, night watchmen duties.
On my last day at Bethel the people at my table would not speak to me even though we all had sat there for 14 months. This still saddens me although it has been 30 yrs. the pain is still there.
anyone going to the memorial this coming weekend?
i didnt want to, but my wife does.
i guess i will end up going....anyone else?
Before I go I will drink enough wine so that it will be obvious on my breath as I say hello to different ones in the congergation ........I'll say "I'm back!"
an open letter to all jehovah's witnesses.
dear friend, .
what caused you to come and read the posts of so many of your former brothers and sisters who have either been disfellowshipped or have chosen to walk away from the society and the 'truth'?
Excellent post!
I would also like to add that if you are just going throught the motions of being a witness and not having your heart in it then you are fooling yourself. Remember..........There are no bigger fools than those who fool themselves.
i have been thinking about this for a while, and a couple recent events here on the board have solidified my thinking.
first, seattleniceguy's triumph with the un posting a letter regarding the wts affiliation with the un.
it just shows that with a little combined effort we can accomplish alot.
Excellent idea!
The wording and pharse a person uses to convey a message is very important to reach you audience. First it must be relevant to the audience for them to pay attention and read the ad.
Instead of making statements it is good to ask questions that make people think, not just for the witnesses. Such as: Are JW's the only true christians? This will put the WTBS on a no win defense. (If they are then they will insult the audience, if they aren't then what relevance does being a DUB have?)
There are guerrilla warfare tacticts that are very effective in instilling seeds of doubt with those who still have a some thinking ability. I put on my "ricky righteous" attitude and watch the wheels in a persons mind start to move. This is great fun at the ass-embly when you get bored or indignent with the dogma of the WTBS. This is a subject for another time.
my heart is palpitating even as i write this.
it was only recently that i was introduced to this site.
i had long had doubts but could never bring myself to peer over the wall built in my head about the evils of apostates.
Great post! Surfacing
That noise I just heard were the chains droping off you! No more a spiritual hostage.
i've been using the walk away, avoid elder contact play for a couple of months now.
my boss (an ms in a different cong.
) leaves me a message saying that the elders from my hall called him at his meeting last night.
When one becomes a JW they don't realize what being in the spiritual paradise hostage is. When a person is being held hostage there are ways to counter their tactics. It would be good for the members of this board to develope a plan for dealing with this situation. I for one would never play by their (WTBS) rules that are stacked against you. Play by your own rules and watch your back, do not trust anyone that is loyal to the WTBS.
just another typical ass-embly.
i see we have some new comers!
Just another typical ass-embly. I see we have some new comers!
Oh by the way the article in the 2-15 WT will be studied on March29-April4. I expect to see everyone's hand up for comments!!!!
Isn't Adobe Photoshop great!
i was hoping someone in the know, perhaps dave, gamaliel or another former or present insider could help me with the following.. what were the different types of printing presses or methods used by the wtbts over the years, and in what years did they officially change over from one to the other?
some kind of a chronology from the 50's to present day would be appreciated.
feel free to email me or pm me if you prefer.. kind regards,.
The Society use flat bed press (Heildelberg) from the early 1900's for most of their printing until they got rotary presses in the 30's. They used the rotary letter presses until the 1980's and they switched over to offset printing tooday. Most of the rotary presses were made by the M.A.N. company in Germany, some by the Cottrell Co.and some by the H.O.E. Co. I ran a flat bed press in 1973 in Bld'g #1, M.A.N. press in Bld'g #3 and a M.A.N. at the Farm for 3 years.