what group will the 144,000 be pulled from. Various religions, people or the WT 144,000?
JoinedPosts by PaNiCAtTaCk
I'm Not Going To Heaven......
by prophecor in.....but i'm going to a church that thinks they all are.
they preach a good game but in the end, i still believe in the paradise on earth theology.
i'm split right down the middle, as i cannot get away from the belief that only a few were ever good enough to get to heaven.
A question for my atheist friends.
by PaNiCAtTaCk ini can certainly understand why many turn atheist but what would you tell your 5 year old daughter who was conscience but dying on a hospital bed looking into your eyes?
would you be inclined to give her some hope of a better place even though you didnt believe it yourself?
thanks in advance!
Hey guys. Im sorry if I offended anyone, I assure you that was not my mission. Years ago I almost lost my 9 year old sister to cancer after she was given less than a year to live. She literally walked around St. Judes Research Hospital with her bible story book talking to every kid she met. Spending so much time at the hospital was one of the most depressing things Ive ever seen in my life. It was far worse than any nursing home that I used to visit, encouraging older JW's.
Without some type of hope of a peaceful afterlife I know that my sister wouldnt have been so at peace, even though she was being pounded with so much suffering as a little girl. She made friends with many other kids and alot of times they would become penpals. Every one that she wrote to died! They ALL died! MY sister had a particular fast spreading cancer in the nasal area and was grouped with others who had very serous, fast spreading forms of the big C.
The reality is this. Good people, including kids die every minute. Some, in alot worse aflictions than Cancer in St. Jude. Whether its the truth or not, the message of a peaceful afterlife is comforting.
You take a bible story book full of colorful paradise pictures and show that to dying children and I promise
it will comfort them.
Fast forward many years and I now have a 6 year old son of my own. He is my best friend and a "mini-me" of myself, as my wife says:) We are so blessed that at this time hes in perfect health, but you never know when as a parent you have to go through something as terrible as Cancer. It can happen over night!
Since Ive lost faith in MEN (the watchtower) Ive stepped back and im looking at everything Ive ever believe as a JW alot closer with more educated and skeptical eyes. Ive started with the Bible, its origin, and how it was put together. Skeptics have pointed out many contradictions that I never knew existed. I can see how someone becomes Atheist. It seems to me that the whole atheist mentality about life is very reasonable until you die:( Be a good person, Love your neighbor ect. All that sounds great to me except, if you throw a child into that thought process. My son asked me the other day, "what happened to so and so when he died?" I just told him "well, some think he went to heaven and some think he will live in a beautiful paradise one day." We know that God will bring him back to life again.
That brought him comfort and the whole topic was dropped.
I think if I keep researching I will eventually drop the bible in my mind as being inspired.
I think I will however, always believe in a creator. Im an outdoors, nature type person and I get more out of going camping and trips to the mountains in a spiritual sence than I ever got out of the kingdom hall. To me, all I have to do is look around and I see God. Nothing gets me closer to God than being in the woods with rain slowly falling and hearing a rumble of thunder in the distance. It sends chills
down my spine.
Wow, I really got off topic I think. Bottom line is this. Children want to know everything is going to be alright. They want to live forever, just like most of us do. Im not ready to take that message of hope away from my son. I will give it to him and when he grows up he can choose to believe it, or drop it. I was simply wondering how an atheist would handle a situation where a child was thrown in. Please dont get mad at me for creating this situation, because I assure you it happens daily.
I do appreciate your comments, and the message of peaceful sleep with no more pain sounds pretty good to. -
I'm Not Going To Heaven......
by prophecor in.....but i'm going to a church that thinks they all are.
they preach a good game but in the end, i still believe in the paradise on earth theology.
i'm split right down the middle, as i cannot get away from the belief that only a few were ever good enough to get to heaven.
If I died and woke up in an earthly paradise that would be great, but I can simply no longer believe in the 2 class system anymore and I think with some research you will feel the same. That group of 144,000 was filled a long, long time ago.
A question for my atheist friends.
by PaNiCAtTaCk ini can certainly understand why many turn atheist but what would you tell your 5 year old daughter who was conscience but dying on a hospital bed looking into your eyes?
would you be inclined to give her some hope of a better place even though you didnt believe it yourself?
thanks in advance!
I can certainly understand why many turn atheist but what would you tell your 5 year old daughter who was conscience but dying on a hospital bed looking into your eyes? Would you be inclined to give her some hope of a better place even though you didnt believe it yourself? Thanks in advance!
Did Mother Teresa Really Help the Poor?
by gumby inbelow are some quotes from a former catholic sister.. see if you agree.mother teresa albanian nun and honorary american.
"give until it hurts" she said and amassed a fortune never used for charity work but instead funding convents and nunneries across the world, seducing more young minds with reactionary dogma.
"mother was very concerned that we preserve our spirit of poverty.
She believed in watching others suffer and felt that watching there suffering was bringing her closer to Christ. She took the large donations and blew them on nun schools and missions that cranked out uneducated girls by the masses. She was not the saint they make her out to be. She had her own hospice which consisted of rows of poor, hungry, suffering peasents who were not allowed to go outside or see family. The were forced to sit or lay on cots all day until they died. She took in millions of dollars that could have made there last days bearable but then the suffering would go out the window along with her channel to Christ through there suffering.
New Video of DF announcement at door
by inbyathread instarting a new thread so that everyone can find the link.. this is the video of the elders trying to act smart stupid.
they will keep the file as long as it is downloaded once every 14 days.. enjoy
JT you said
if you just show this video to a nonjw without any context or explanation --of course he may veiw the person recording it a "jerk"
I would be inclined to agree with you but just as Sunspot pointed out.
This IS typical WTS at its best, without a doubt. It shows ALL the flaws, flubs and warts in mere minutes and leaves nothing to the imagination. It demonstrates an excellent example of WTS thinking, strategy, lack of love, and total foolishness.
In fact you could just skip Crisis of Conscience, Gentile times, In Search of Christian Freedom and go straight to this video. Its all there in mere minutes
New Video of DF announcement at door
by inbyathread instarting a new thread so that everyone can find the link.. this is the video of the elders trying to act smart stupid.
they will keep the file as long as it is downloaded once every 14 days.. enjoy
I never said he was a complete asshole for airing HIS opinion. When I said he came across as an asshole, it was the way I felt they probably took it and most non jw will take it, including my work mate. I never said that as a person he is an asshole! Do not put words in my mouth! You say I implied it! That is like a JW saying the bible implies that Christ died in 1914. You WANT to believe that, so you can tear me down as a person for having a different opinion than you. This is the same as all JW's wanting to believe that all non JW Christians are evil people and that all Catholic priests molest children.Im sorry you cant handle someone believing different than you. The difference between you and I is this. I dont care how you saw it, and I dont care if you agree with me. I know people see things differently, and im fine with that. I also dont care to argue with you. I feel that the original poster took it as an opinion, and Im sure that he doesnt care if I liked it or not.
The sad thing is this. I could have said, great job on the video! Man those Elders are assholes and look how stupid they are! Man they dont even know how to read! All Elders are stupid and not one of them even cares about people. The only thing that would have made this video better is if you would have pulled out a gun and shot and killed them both! Yah, that will show them assholes. Thats the real knocking documentary. Or better yet, lets suicide bomb the kingdom halls and tar and feather them!
If I said these things I guess you would have given me a high five! Just because the WT is a bully and some Elders are jerks doesnt mean that you have to stoop to there level. Im done talking about this because its trivial and ridiculous! From now on I will just agree with whatever you say. Is that cool? I will kill you with kindness from now on just like I do the brainwashed Elders. After all apparently you have a temper problem just as you insinuate in your profile.
listing of authorities and their date for the fall of Jerusalem
by M.J. insorry if this has been posted before.
i came across it and thought it was worth pointing out: http://members.tripod.com/sosoutreach/wts/607.html.
(edited) the annoying popup caused me to cut and paste the table from the page, rather than embed it: the narrative before and after is good too so you might want to check it out the original page.
I like the reasoning of the "Gentile Times" book. If you role a single die several thousand times in an effort to turn up a certain number, and never get that number, eventually you have to conclude that it isnt there. Out of the thousands and thousands of cunieform tablets that have been dug up, every one of them have been in total disagreement with the 607 date. There whole belief system is riding on evidence that has never BEEN found, and yet they have to stick with there beliefs, because if you have no 607, then they have LOST there authority over you!
New Video of DF announcement at door
by inbyathread instarting a new thread so that everyone can find the link.. this is the video of the elders trying to act smart stupid.
they will keep the file as long as it is downloaded once every 14 days.. enjoy
I will never apologize for having my own opinion. I did not attack anyone personally, all I did was give my opinion. I like the poster that posted the video and appreciate his threads. I never said or insinuated that he is an asshole, only that I think the average joe might see it like that, just by watching the video.
I think my honest critisism had some valid points, but I would never insist someone apologize for not seeing things exactly as I did, that would be close minded and Im NO longer like that! -
New Video of DF announcement at door
by inbyathread instarting a new thread so that everyone can find the link.. this is the video of the elders trying to act smart stupid.
they will keep the file as long as it is downloaded once every 14 days.. enjoy
Hello Dozy! Are you and active witness? If so maybe you could video tape your Elders visits for us when they find your posting on a message boards with us, "The Evil Slave Class" and come to DF you. If you think he came across a little harsh as I did, maybe your video will be a little kinder to the viewers.
Do you think he still should have been DFED even though he hasnt denounced Christ but only the WT? Or do you feel the WT is Christ? Please explain and welcome to the board!