IP_SEC, Hey IP, he is 17 years older than me. Give it time!!
LOL Horrible life! And anyway didn't IP Sec meet hubby last year at the fest??
Yesterday got up about 7.00 - neighbours having sex again in next room.
Did yoga and pilates whilst waiting for water to heat up for a bath. Ate Muesli and wondered if the weird taste was down to the soya milk being off or if that's just how it's supposed to taste.
Put on the laundry. Made a fruit smoothie and checked JWD and emails, played a few scrabble moves, noted slumping stats score. Made mental note to flirt less, strategise more.
Bath and smoothie. Started studying inferential statistics for psychology course. Worked typing documents as they came in, mainly divorce stuff and drug dealer arrest cases. NOTE: your local fast food restaurant is the best place to obtain Class A drugs. Think about that as well as the cholestorol when letting your kids go there.
Played some tennis on my Wii, studied some more.
Got locked in outhouse rubbish building. Escaped no worse for wear, but a bit smelly.
Smoked a fag. Put it out. Wrote about The "Great" Escape on JWD. Lost two scrabble games.
Retired gracefully, declining to see Siva from India's "cobra". Unless he was willing to forfeit the next 5 games to improve my scrabble stats.
Bed at 1.30 and dreamed of chocolate cake.