JoinedTopics Started by Crumpet
Volunteering my services
by Crumpet ini am sad not so much for myself, but for exploring jw's who want to find out the real truth.
my whole life has changed.
without this board i really doubt i would be physically alive and emotionally i'd be as dead as ever for sure.. i've always wished that i had found the board/ known of its existence when i was 16 and not wasted 13 years of my life in self destruct.
Will we win EUROVISION this year? May 21st 2008
by Crumpet inthe hopefuls to represent the uk are warbling on the bbc.
disconcerting but amusing to see the audience bastardise the jerry springer call for wogan and now it's terry terry terry.. if we were going to win on attractive luridly dressed girls we're in with a chance - although more cleavage and ass i say.. the second band the revelations are good, but not quite the grand climax i was hoping for.. .
My First Counselling Session. EDMR anybody?
by Crumpet inso it hadn't escaped my attention that two weeks ago i was melting faster than a snowman on a lava flow path.. i had to do something.
i ended up in hospital.
i hoped this would mean i'd get help, not just medication, which i've tried for 6 months and hasn't really helped.
by Crumpet ini'm so f***king happy.
one of my absolute favourite directors has won best film in the baftas for this is england:.
shane meadows .
Apart from "My Book Of Bible Stories" and the "Paradise" book?
by Crumpet incall it my anal retentious streak, but i've rated every book i've ever read since i was 7. i had phases of favourite writers.. i was an enid blyton fan - the faraway tree, famous five, secret seven, mallory towers series.
then i got hooked on franklin w dixon's hardy boys and judy blume's eye opening, straight talking stories about growing up which really taught me everything i knew about what life was like for a normal girl not growing up in the jw world.
i started reading agatha christie when i was 9 and remember taking the maximum number of books i could from the mobile library van that came to our village and being as impatient for its fortnightly return as i was for the afternoon icecream van.
I have a gift! What's yours?
by Crumpet inotherwise entitled: smoking - a cautionary tale.
i have a gift, a talent for getting myself locked into or out of places.
ever since i was small i have managed to get myself locked in most host's lavatories and unable to quite mistress the ability to unlock the door.. today i surpassed myself.
Multi-tasking? Is it a skill or a disorder?
by Crumpet indo you tend to multi-task or hone in one job, giving it your full concentration until its finished?.
would you say your ability/inability to multi-task is an attribute or a curse?.
the reason i ask is that i seem to have a very short attention span.
Taste/Scent Related Memories - Have you ever had one of those....
by Crumpet inhave you ever had one of those intoxicating moments where you are walking down a supermarket aisle and you suddenly caught a perfume that you'd not smelt since you were small and it brought back a flood of memories, your first grade teacher, an auntie?
or a taste?
i just had a taste moment - i kind of feel bad about admitting to it though.
What are your Guilty Pleasures of a geeky/nerdy variety?
by Crumpet ini don't mean the ones we know about already - things people wouldn't think you did or enjoyed to look at you.. i love watching ray mears extreme survival and learning about how to survive and find food and shelter in extreme climates even though there is a strong possibility that i shall never try and escape naked from a japanese prisoner of war camp, or crash without a flagon of water into the sahara, or come stuck in my ship in a freezing ice plateau in deepest antartica.
what's your guilty geeky pleasure?.