Hey Rune,
Those three questions are sort of intertwined so I will only give one answer.
I have questioned all those things many times as I'm sure many have. The act of questioning them in fact makes us reach out for answers to them, despite the fact that you profess to not even wanting to ask the questions, never mind getting the answers. Humans can't help it.
Sure, some people ignore the thoughts but they are always there. I think Dansk has some valid points. I certainly don't feel quite so enlightened as Dansk, but I think I am on a journey in that direction. That journey began with realizing that I DID NOT know everything. It seems like a contradiction but it is more of a human truth: The more we think we know, the less we learn; the less we learn, the more ignorant we become. By acknowledging our ignorance we actually become the most enlightened.
When it comes right down to it, unconditional love is the ultimate guide. It won't immediately stop all crime, harm and wars but I honestly feel that we have made great strides in the last millenia, and especially the last century, towards becoming a better species. Besides the amazing scientific discoveries mentioned by others here, look at what we have learned about the human mind: Positive reinforcement yields, (for a job well done, no matter how small it may seem to be to us), better results in our children than does negative consequences (for a misstep, no matter how large). Even fifty years ago the vast majority of people thought it worked better the other way around (in my family it still hasn't been learned..lol).
It is better to live with hope, pride and optimism than to live with fear, guilt and pessimism. I don't know why but it just seems to be true every time I turn around.... and I've done alot of both sides, believe me.