Rune wants answers to appease a vacancy in his psyche created by no longer wanting to belong to a high-control religion.Who wouldn't want answers??, but I wouldn't call it a vacancy in his psyche because he questions the basis for many peoples unprovable ideas...
I understand what you are saying and we have given him credit for asking intelligent questions, however I don't think it would be wise to suggest that his interest is NOT the most important here. He is human after all. He doesn't have to ask these profound questions to have differing opinions thrown at him. He has asked them and we have complied. To condemn either party at this point would refute the entire process.
The vast majority of posters on this topic have offered up thoughts that may be considered evasive to someone who's psyche has just taken the big jump from "high-control" to completely free.While I don't think it was the vast majority, I think those that answered with your too young to have a valid opinion, or you haven't smelled a certain continent, may have been slightly evasive and avoided giving any valid proof.
Age (young) and experience (Africa) are 100% valid as far as having a BETTER understanding of the world around us. (Just ask me how much I thought I knew 10 years ago, before having children, and I will be the first to say I thought I almost knew it all. My perception has changed since then.) Everybody has given him full respect for his introspective mind. It is not fair for comments such as his age or experiences to be taken out of context and be used to suggest that their opinions are therefore invalid.
Regarding evasiveness, some try to avoid using absolutes, due to experience in life. Their being considered evasive cannot be judged properly by a person who leaves virtually no option for a second opinion.
He has since presented very intelligent questions that many of us have already considered.I'm just starting to consider these questions myself and am enjoying the free exchange of ideas that you can find here.
You will find people like Big Tex, LT, Narkissos et al to be very valuable teachers. May your questions always be asked and may you never find the ABSOLUTE answer to any of them.
Rune's subconscious does not want absolutes but his conscious mind has been imbedded with the opposite so that his reaction has seemed to be rejecting our fairly wise thoughts.I'm sorry, which ones? :)
Very witty, but I don't think you would have posted the other comments if you truly felt that there were no "wise thoughts" here.
Welcome to the journey, my friend. You will enjoy the ride. You have at least agreed to get on that ride. Lots never allow themselves such freedom.