Is that true?
You can't describe real LOVE you can only decribe what it isn't.
by frankiespeakin 47 Replies latest jw friends
What is love?
What is truth?
What is real?
Everything you know and feel is filtered through your experiences, your environment, your physical reactions, etc., etc.
What is love?
What does it mean to love?
Since creation's unfolding has love been?
Since two have been has love been?
Does it mean to share, to give all
Without expectation of receiving?
To care deeply even knowing flawed the object
Is it joy, jubilation, or comfort, companionship
To work as one, dream as one, see as one, feel as one?
Is love a many-pieced puzzle
Love of God, neighbor, father, mother, husband, wife, child, self?
Can we ever solve this puzzle--a whole to make?
To love one...can it be done?
Trust, that's the key.
But such a fragile thing it be.
That was pretty good,,did you write a while ago or is it spur of the moment?
You can say that, but then again you can also say that about truth or a number of things. I will say that a description can be an expression of love, regardless of how accurate it is. There's no sense in being intellectually anal about the point, if we want the real thing we have to see beyond the words anyway.
Is it too early in the topic to ask your opinion on the subject?
If your question is, "Is it easier to recognize anger or hatred, (for example), of being the opposite of love?", then I would suggest it would depend how aware you are of what real love is still.
Is it possible to know what loss is if something has never been acquired?
From my experience in my short life, it seems to all be relative. I never really knew how to describe love 5 years ago but it seems that it's because I had never really experienced it yet.
That having been said, however, I don't think we can ever lose the understanding of "real" love after we have experienced it.
once you've been there and experienced real love you know it. The one thing I learned about real love though is: It's UNCONDITIONAL.
All that crap about love being kind, not jealous, not puffed up with pride in that scripture, well, that's one persons take on it. I think love is marvelous, it's huge, it's wonderous, it's magical, it is higher than that tallest mountains and deep as the ocean... it fills up your heart, your mind, your soul, it touches every fiber of your being. You no longer question "what is love" or "Am I in love" ... YOU KNOW. There are no more questions, only answers.
Being in love with another human being I think is just a small glimpse of what love is, but it's the best we can do.
BTW - loving a poodle (or any dog) is true love. When they come up to you and sit on your lap and all they want is for you to pet them and adore them... that's love!
frankie, Is it too early in the topic to ask your opinion on the subject?
Real Love is what I'm talking about. I'm not talking about what we often term "love". For example, The love between a woman and a man is not "real love" because real love is without conditions or unconditional. Love between a man and woman has conflict, is very conditional, it is effected very much by enviroment,,is a form of attachment and posessiveness,,which produces jealousy, etc...
Real Love is not effected by conditions,,is not partial,,....
Love that we often speak about is not real love. Real love can make no comparisons,, must be without partiality, has to be offered unconditionally,,and with out any self interest. As soon as a self interest enters real love is gone.
And so when I said in the title: "you can only decribe what it isn't" it is thru negation we understand love,,by describing what it isn't because when we use term love in the common way,, it is not really love when you examine it closely.
Well, the love between people, maybe a man, woman, friends, etc... is ALL WE HAVE. That is the only form of love we can actually fully know and understand, the rest is speculation and personal philosophy of what might be. We can only describe love in terms of what we know, just like there may be more dimensions to the universe, but we only know our own.
The symbolical use we put to the word love is full of paradox. I think we can better understand it thru negation.