Thanks for the reply. You have a very good way of putting things even when you say you don't have much advice to give.
For instance, whatever has already been decided in court (such as visit rights, no KH, staying in the same school) you probably can have enforced by law, without asking the children what they want. Better this way imho.
Unfortunately I have not been able enforce it by law, YET!!! I am asking for a "police enforcement order" to be made because it seems like my ex will not do what's best for the children unless her doing the opposite has strong negative consequences. For example, my oldest son has not come to my house for a weekend visit since before June 22, 2004. He has come for some Wednesday visits (not overnight) and we have had a great time. He has said "I want to come this weekend, dad, but maybe for just one night to start."
But by the time the weekend comes around he says he hates me and doesn't want to come. Without even saying to her about the fact that I know it is their negative manipulation that has caused his "change of heart", I have pleaded with her to encourage him to come. She doesn't. She thinks I ruined my relationship with him and wants it left like that. Even if that were true, a sensible mother would let her ex fix the "problem, for the sake of her child. (Solomon principle again). So after much pleading I filed a "Notice of Contempt Motion". Rather than adjusting her/her family's behaviour (which is all I REALLY want), they accused me of physically abusing my oldest son.
I absolutely and completely agree with you and other people's belief that the children should not be in the middle. That's why I left her... she couldn't be a reasonable person in any conversations and would yell at me and throw things at me in front of the children. I keep them as far away from that as possible.
When they come to me and ask why I took the house from mommy (not reality) I leave mommy's lies out of it and stress that they have a nice place to live at mommy's and they have a nice place at daddy's right? That's what mommy and daddy want for you guys... is to be happy and be safe.
I think my ex is bi-polar too. There is something imbalanced in her for sure. That's why I am trying to fix things within the Courtroom, not anywhere else. She doesn't necessarily realize how "crazy" she is being. I mean, when we first split up she accused me of everything under the sun. I admitted to being a PART of arguments years ago and this is why we wanted to separate.... irreconcilable differences. For her part, she accepted NO PART whatsover in any disagreement that we ever had in our relationship. that's just delusional.
Any further advice is still greatly appreciated.