Go on a week-long vacation with "the girls".
Mrs. Kwin (Heart2Heart)
...or hurt you.. as an example: drive your car off a cliff like in the movie groundhod day, just for the hell of it.. basically something that would normaly kill you or leave you messed up real bad... but in this case you could "reset" all new again.. don't be shy... i won't think your weird if you want to blow your head off just to see what it's like.
Go on a week-long vacation with "the girls".
Mrs. Kwin (Heart2Heart)
it wasn't the straw that broke the camel's back.
that back had already broken.
it was more of the last nail in the coffin for my allegiance to the wts.
I remember the talk we had a while ago about pagan origins of different designs, and how we had to decide, based on how they are viewed today, whether or not to use them. This included decorating, eating pretzles, etc. Very much like the wedding ring experience, I had the same reaction "What about...?". It seems to me there was a magazine about weddings a few years back that talked about the origins of a bridal party, wearing a veil, etc. and I thought... if these have pagan origins, then why do Witnesses follow these traditions?? Really made me think about holidays, birthdays, decorating the house with lights, hanging a wreath, windchimes, etc. The pinata and luau articles struck me the same way.
I agree with Eyeslice that this year's Christmas article was really pathetic. At least they took a different angle this time, but it really sounded like they are getting desperate for ways to get people to follow their rules, to convince people that they are right. For example: pg. 6 of the December 15, 2004 Watchtower: "In essence, Christmas festivities have largely reverted to what they originally were in Roman times - revelry, feasting, and the exchanging of presents." (and this is bad because...??) pg. 7: "Once we know Jesus well, we need no longer wonder how he would like us to remember him. Would it be by eating, drinking, and exchanging presents on the same date as an ancient pagan festival? That seems unlikely" Give me a break! So this holiday happens to be on the same day as an ancient pagan festival.. so what? Isn't the Memorial "celebrated" on the same day as an ancient festival that is no longer celebrated because 'the old law has been done away with' - on a day celebrated by people who didn't even believe in Jesus as the Christ? Their argument in this one is really weak.
Phew! That's my beef. Sorry for ranting
jw kids are repressed in every aspect of their lives, creatively, intellectually, atheletically...the list goes on.. what did you love to do as a kid, yet weren't permitted to do?.
i personally loved football as a kid.
other jw kids and i would play every weekend until the subject was brought up at an assembly as being competitive.
I wasn't raised a JW so I was able to play in soccer leagues, softball teams, go to basketball camp, be in the school musical/play which required many hours of after school rehearsals and performances.... I'm glad I didn't miss out on that opportunity. However, when I started studying at 15, I was told that sports were a no-no because of the competetiveness (which played on my feelings that I had noticed this.... not really a problem though, only natural!). I bought it, and didn't play softball that summer (or afterwards), didn't try out for the musical starting that year, didn't do any extracurricular activities in high school.... how I wish I could have those years back! Being very shy, and finding it hard to make friends, I really needed that social outlet, and a chance to break out of my shell a little .
Special K, Kwin says "don't get any ideas into Mrs. Kwin's head!" lol poor guy has two left feet! hey, maybe I could use that to my advantage - we need to take classes so he can learn to dance! lol
so don't do anything to it.. leaving a high-control group such as the wts can leave you with an internal desire to rebel against the teachings you once held to.. did you do anything previously forbidden soon after you left the borg?
Kwin forgot to mention that he got his tongue pierced at my birthday "piercing party"... had a pro come over and stick holes in us for fun (??) I got my belly button done (something I wanted to do for 10 years but couldn't as a JW! not exactly rebellious) and so did some of our friends. Oh, and did I mention it was a BIRTHDAY party? HeHeHe!
now wishful thinking is different from the facts, but in our age of technology, which is pretty new!.
how long do you think the wts got before the "truth" is out ?
( i hope its soon).
This is a very interesting topic, with many great responses. I have to agree with those who have said they feel it will remain for a long time because there will always be people who want to buy what they are selling - it is what they are looking for. However, at the same time, I also agree that the WTS will probably undergo some major changes in order to stay alive. We know that JWs don't take big changes well, and that many will probably leave because their expectations have been let down. Also, with the information available in books and on the internet, it is highly likely that many more will leave once they find out "the truth about the truth" - unless the WTS can come up with an effective way to prevent people from looking at sites like this one (they try so hard at every convention and assembly, through the mags and from the platform, but it's not likely to stop everyone). There are those, maybe the older ones who have been in forever, and those who really rely on the WTS or who are happy being JWs that will likely not leave, who will refuse any reasonable evidence against the WTS. The GB has some serious thinking to do if they are going to stay around for a while. People will get tired of waiting, tired of putting everything off in anticipation of the end. With costs rising, people need better education to get jobs that pay enough to cover their needs. More and more people in the developed nations have access to information they never dreamed of. That is going to cause a major setback for the WTS. With all the news coverage of the blood issue, child abuse, etc., I could see more bans on JWs.... but the diehards will just see this as persecution, as proof that they are right and we are wrong. I think in this way, the WTS will keep control over everything. They will twist anything they can to make it fit their ideas of what is going to happen in fulfillment of prophecy. Maybe one day the WTS will completely dissolve, but I think it will be around for a long time to come, even if in a completely different form, even if it shrinks to barely nothing. There will always be a scripture they can use to "support" their doctrines, to show the masses that they have the truth, and unfortunetly there will always be people who believe it.
is it me or does it seem that nearly all jws go through depression in varying ways??
i'm not talking about what the average person could deal with because of a loss of a loved one or a job termination, etc.
i'm referring to being depressed because you're a jehovah's witness.
This is something very personal for me. I have been fighting with anxiety since a child and seem to be prone to depression because of a lack of self-esteem and being very self-conscious. When I found "the truth" at 15, I thought it was the answer to my prayers. At the time perhaps it was, it distracted me for a while, made me happy, gave me answers I needed at the time. But as the years went on, my anxiety problems became much worse, something I was dealing with almost everyday; and I became more and more depressed because I always felt so much pressure to be the perfect wife, mother, Christian, to do more in service, to be studying with my children... physically I was so worn out from taking care of a house, a husband, and two very active young children, emotionally and mentally I was worn out from the same plus the burden of preparing for meetings, and trying to pay attention while taking care of the kids, trying to keep them quiet. Felt like it was such a chore, but I had to go or else I would feel so guilty! Dealing with my feelings about Kwin leaving the org. 2 years ago, my depression became even worse to the point that I was exhausted in every way possible, I had no energy to take care of the kids or the house, to go out, to go to meetings, (I know some of it was because I was battling within myself about WTS doctrine and practices, and didn't want to acknowledge any problems there) - my doctor said I was depressed, needed to get out more, exercise, etc. In the past year or so, I started realizing that my problems with anxiety were not normal, and that I could not deal with them on my own. I did some research and found out that I have some kind of anxiety disorder so I finally went to my doctor. She agreed to refer me to a psychiatrist (I don't see her until January), and after talking to me about my symptoms and triggers (she already knew about my bouts of depression), she gave me a prescription for generalized/social anxiety, and depression. Just before I went to the doctor, I had been doing my research into the WTS and came to conclusions about it not being the truth, I prayed about it a lot, and I felt such CALM! (Normally, I tried not to think too much about spiritual things because it would get me into a terrible panic; so this was a huge thing for me, which helped me to know it was the right thing to leave). So, before the meds had even kicked in, I already was feeling a lot of relief just by taking the mental step to look into my doubts and fears about the WTS. The depression side of it has cleared up completely, and the meds have helped out tremendously with the anxiety. I actually feel alive for maybe the first time, but so much more alive since I left the WTS than I ever thought I could be. I agree with others who have posted in other topics about feeling so much "lighter". I have never smiled so much and laughed so much, I have so much more patience now too, and I'm not scared anymore - the WTS' doctrines about Armageddon and martyrdom made me very nervous. I'm glad I woke up and took an honest look into what I was putting so much faith in. The blinders have come off, and so has that heavy heavy "yoke" I carried for those 8 years.
Happy to be me!
the 144,000 are supposedly to give the flock their spiritual food at the proper time.
how is it the elders can laud it over a member of the (supposedly) anointed when it is members of the anointed who are supposed to distribute the spiritual food?
why can they not distribute the spiritual food at the proper time?
The typical JW response to "How do they know they are annointed?" ("They just know") is not very different from other churches' reply to questions they don't have answers for: "It's a mystery". After I stopped attending meetings, and was thinking about all of the inconsistencies, this is one issue that bothered me... how "annointed" women had no say at all in WT doctrine, and how only a very select few out of the supposed 8000 or so "annointed" around today actually make all the decisions, without the input of the others! I wonder how much different the WTS would be today if all those who feel they are spirit annointed had been given a chance to voice their thoughts on all those decisions before they were made? How do they feel when they don't agree with "new light" or policy changes? If they are the ones who are supposed to be distributing the spiritual food, they must feel disturbed when the WT comes out with something that they don't agree with - perhaps they feel like they are no longer "chosen"...
Good thread!
i just received the free minds journal of nov.2004/jan2005.
on the last page there is a discussion and quotes from the watchtower 6/15/04, re: blood transfusions.. " some would refuse anything derived from blood ( even fractions intendedto provide temporary passive immunity ).
that is how they understand god's command to abstain from blood .
When I read that article in the summer (still a Witness then), it left me so confused! Can we or can't we? How much? What part? Why? It didn't really answer any questions, and the congregation had a hard time during that study. The subject came up at a get-together, and everyone else seemed to be just as confused as I was. It is so true though that they make it seem like you are the one making the decision, because they are so subtle with their recommendations/rules. This article made me feel like they were making it look like they were tweaking the rules a little, to allow some flexibility, but if other JW's thought is was as vague as I did, most would likely just stick to the old rules which were clear-cut just to avoid discipline or "stumbling" someone else.
16 years ago today, an earthquake of 6.2 shook a good region of quebec and eastern ontario.
i was an active jw then.
i was baptized just a few months earlier.
I remember that earthquake, it was on my 8th birthday! I wasn't a Witness though, so it didn't affect me that way - just scared me because everything in our house was shaking! That is the only earthquake I have ever felt though (that I can remember anyway).
i was thinking for all you guys who go the kingdom hall even though you know it's not the truth,, in order to keep from loosing all your friends and family,, why not take advantage of the wt free literature at your kh?
i mean the wt is forcing you to go to meetings with the threat of being outcasted from your family why not put a little dent in their finances but getting all the free literature you can and not contibuting anything for it.
after all the wt is offering it free of charge.
Two "sisters" from the hall came by today to see how the kids and I are doing, do I need anything, etc. They asked if I wanted my mags and I said "ok, but just my personal copies, not all the other copies that are there". They looked a little puzzled but agreed to bring them by (gee, did I make it a little obvious that I don't even want to try to go out in service?). lol At least this way I can see what the WTS is dishing out without having to go back to the hall and look interested.
I never paid for magazines either! And I never asked for money from people - that just sounds wrong after the WTS brags about not having collections at the Hall!
I've always thrown out the old magazines I didn't place (which was most of them) - mind you, I'd hold onto them for months or a year "just in case" I could place them somewhere. We had a ton of old JW books that we were never going to read, and multiples of books that we only needed one of, so we threw out a huge box of them (it was so heavy I could not even lift it and could barely push it along the floor!). I just went around and found my stash of magazines (kept a few that were relevant to keeping informed on the WTS policies, like the new Keep on the Watch brochure) so I've got another box to throw out. I agree it is too much clutter. I am only keeping last years' bound volumes and the basics like the All Scripture inspired book, the Insight volumes, Ministry School, Reasoning, and other "basic" to refer to, plus we have the 2003 CD Rom. It is insane how much space you would need to keep all that stuff.