Is his wife included in the judicial process?Is she at home waiting for the outcome? What about her legitimate needs? Why can't the couple have the option of treating this as a private matter that they can equip themselves to work out together in private? Why does the shadow of the organiuzation - and elders in particular - have to hang over a marital issue? Why does it have to become a judicial matter? There are trained professionals who are accountable by dint of their professional bodies to responsibly and appropriately handle these kinds of private matters.
Look at the body language of these religiously motivated untrained men. Imagine if the woman was the one who committed adultery - the idea of three men sitting in the room with the woman sounds totally inappropriate and distasteful.
JW organization is an example of a high control group that exploits the created need to "confess" so that the private actions of consenting adults becomes grounds for religious trials.
Compare that to the norm in which private matters remain private to the concerned individuals who can be equipped to handle such matters without the busy-body moralizing of a patriarchal system of control.