Brooke, you do resemble her!
I've been told I resemble Mariah Carey.
what is the lesson here ?
--- never let your 6 year old pick your halloween costume !
Brooke, you do resemble her!
I've been told I resemble Mariah Carey.
if i wasn't married to a jw...... goodnite, i'm off to bed.. chris.
Co-sign w/JTP! Lol!
i just finished reading leaving the saints: how i lost the mormons and found my faith by martha beck.
beck is a regular columnist for o magazine (oprah's mag).
the book details how she survived sexual abuse in her home (at the hands of her father, a big-shot mormon scholar), and how she eventually left the mormon church.
Thank you for the review!
I saw her on (I think) Good Morning America and she said he is the Presiding Bishop of the LDS church. Right away I wanted to cuz it sounded like the WT.
is it about the blood issue?
about the fallability of the governing body?
that they really love one another??
That they have anything at all to do w/God.
do you see a difference in the way you live now that your out of the "truth"?
more materialistic?
more "worldly"?
I have freedom to think and make decisions based on my own conscience instead of what I'm told by any religion. It's great being able to use my brain!
I don't feel guilty about not living my life around an org.
I now concentrate on life rather than death.
....whiskey somethin' or other...right?
i think i saw a bunch of "i'm new here" threads but i was a jerk and didn't post on them.
all you new guys sign in here so i know who i'm dealing with.
I haven't posted on them either.
Just wanted to say Welcome to everyone!
She implied that it was an apostate site.
That's what she's programmed to say. Anything against the wt is "all lies and apostates...and apostates lie", though it's really the wt that lies.
I sent the same link to the two ladies who conducted my study. Of course, no reply. But that part of the email, I wrote:
I doubt if they even looked at it, but I'm glad I sent it to them. Courtesy of the UN!We're warned of the UN being the wild beast yet it was ok for the society to be a part of them??!! Library purposes or not, it's no excuse to be a part of them yet preach otherwise during the talks and magazines.
This is from the UN's website...not an apostate site. n/watchtower.pdf
so, in june, i will be officially done with my schooling.
i realized today that i will not graduate this semester because i needed 2 more art classes to fullfill my studio art minor.
well i immediately signed up for two "boot camp" classes in the summer, mtwthf classes from morning till afternoon...for a full month!
Convince your fiance to move to NYC and get a job here.
or were you a recreational dater?
I had a boner the size of an assembly hall busting out of my jeans..
my wife is getting baptized on the 19th.
there is nothing i can do or say to stop it.
we have 3 children, and i am from a broken home, so i can't imagine divorcing.
When I was studying, I was told the only spirtitual endangerment from my husband would be if he tried to prevent me from attending meetings.
*Edited to add: I was told by several people this would be reason to divorce him!!!!
I hope you'll keep your kids out of that environment and give them the normal life she will be forbidden to birthdays and holidays.
She can't leave you as you know. For a while, I was frustrated with my husband for not attending the kh w/me and not wanting to become jw. The so called friends from the hall constantly shoved down my throat, "win him without a word" verse, which kept me thinking if I was a good jw wife, he'd change and become jw, too. Well, it wasn't happening. He refused to have anything to do with any religion. I felt like I had to make a choice between the WT and him. I chose him. We spend a lot more time together now.
I was happy that he let me take the kids w/me to the hall, but that was unwise on his part since he didn't know the extent of jw's like I do. Although they're small, I wish I'd never exposed them to it...hopefully their curiousity won't get to them later on in life.
As I said before, celebrate everything. It was easier for me to keep on with them since I never had the pressure, or joy of having celebrations for our kids or cooking a holiday dinner.