Lonelysheep, Dragonlady, and I are the "Edie Sluts" of JWD!
Aww, come on..no one else?!
in honor of my favorite show finally returning to new episodes this easter sunday, click on the link below and take the test - .
Lonelysheep, Dragonlady, and I are the "Edie Sluts" of JWD!
Aww, come on..no one else?!
after reading the thread of "toxic relationships" i began to wonder, are there advantages to being an only child and / or would you rather have siblings even though the relationhips can be painful.. i am an only child and i am beginning to think that i am not missing much by not having brothers and sisters.. did you family size have anything to do with your decision to have one child/ or more than one child?
I have one brother (K) who's a year younger than me, 2 stepsisters and one stepbrother. Stepsibs came into my life when I was 18. I was brought up in a messed up home to say the least, and brother K thinks he's the shit on top of being the asshole he was raised to be. I don't talk to him but maybe once a year. I didn't see the toxic thread, but my brother K is toxic and I feel no need for him to be in my life.
I'd always wanted 3 kids. But as my two children get older, I look forward to no more diapers! I guess because myself, and all of my cousins only had one other sibling, I never wanted to have like 5 or 6 kids, yet knew I didn't want to stop after one. After my son was born and they were putting me back together post c-section, I knew I was done and didn't want to be back on the operating table!
in honor of my favorite show finally returning to new episodes this easter sunday, click on the link below and take the test - .
Brooke, I'm Edie too!
Freaks unite! Lol!
haven't you noticed that the wts is prone to contradictions.
Good ones.
my wife has been talking up how much she wanted to attend this weekend's one day assembly in rosenburg.
she made all these big plans, had her hair done, been dropping hints all month that she would like it if i attended with her.
(i had no intention of going and listening to that garbage.).
She sounds like me at one point...knowing I didn't really want to go and would much rather spend time w/my husband! I would ask myself, "is it really necessary for me to go" and "well, I didn't go and I'm still alive". So their fear tactics on why I should be at every meeting were no longer working and showing themselves for the lie that they are. And I didn't get breakfast in bed, so I can imagine your wife saying 'the hell w/the WT!'! Lol!
gospel, grace, born again, the lord, saints, virgin mary... any more?.
Sanctified in the name of jesus
the choir sure sounded good today!
Church dinner will begin at 2:00 pm
would you like me to hold your child? (rather then send you to the bathroom and listen to others piss while you hold a tired baby)
Everyone is welcome to come to the front and ask for the congregations prayers at this time. (personal hardships, etc.)
Do this in remembrance of me..while we ALL EAT the cracker and DRINK the wine.
prospects are told that jws are the "happiest people on earth".
I found them very misleading as to the level of control they would attempt to exert over their members.
Exactly my thoughts as well.
It's not just a religion, it's a lifestyle...a cult lifestyle that makes one feel guilty for thinking on their own. You have to agree with everything they say.
love...Lol! You saved them!
to all of my very dear friends on jwd, i want to thank all of you so very much for your thoughts prayers and good vibrations of harmony.
i am so happy that everything went well.
there were some touch and go moments in the operating room which lead me to intensive care.
I'm so glad to hear from you and that you're home! Get well! ((((OFC))))
hi all, i just have to vent.
my father is just going into have a heart catherization (probably not spelled right) and some of the elders are at the hospital and are going down to view the procedure.
comfort or sneaky eyes?.
First, my thoughts are with you and your dad (((free will))).
Second, they're going to watch it being done??!!! Will this be at a teaching hospital?
My guess..they're making sure of no blood adherance. Come comfort when he's recoverd.