How old are the kids?
Posts by rmt1
No offence to this website.
by Narcissistic Supply inbut everytime i spend time here i get angry.. angry at the control.. angry at all the wasted time spent resisting this dangerous group of people.. it gives me pause to remember that i have to go to work on myself.. and spend time and energy on the god given gifts and talents that i have.. and think about the things i want to do in my life.. maybe add to my bucket list.. ive pretty much knocked them all out....... im very worried about my kids.. i want to keep them away from this dangerous cult.. but this is a new era.. the world is changing.. and the internet is helping to change it all.. information is power.. and these jws are in trouble.. .
god bless..
Being pressured and getting increasingly stressed.
by NBird inhello, i'm a 17 year old born in and i'm done with this religion.
one hundred percent.
i came to the conclusion a year ago that i wanted to leave.
Go drive around town and actively inquire of apartments what their monthly or yearly rates are. Get over your sticker shock, NOW, of what it takes to live on your own. Get rough numbers of what money you'll need. Wring the high school counsellor for every shred of insight and assistance they can give while you have access to that free resource.
Although they may claim to the contrary, your parents are invested above all in your Physical Future Welfare. That's what gene expression and parental investment in the animal kingdom is all about. Your parents will run interference for you if you obtain employment that reflects well on the family, relieves them of financial concern about at least one of their offspring, and is worth the occasional perk such as being treated to dinner, receiving fine wedding anniversary gifts, or even getting a bit of light, symbolic help during tough times. During all this time you must maintain excellent decorum and stay above the radar of degeneracy yet below the radar of apparent materialism. Plenty of room in there - many people in the world aren't inherently materialistic but must work their asses off to keep up with a social-economic machine that is calibrated to materialism. Ergo, in some areas you cannot rest on your laurels and hope to live in a decent neighborhood. In some cases, you have to work your ass off 'just' to stay one house ahead of ghetto birds. That is NOT materialism. Loving parents can comprehend the benefits of working hard to live decently. Leverage that.
If you're 17 that's great. Just one year to hold out in your POW camp, and I hope you can make some comedy of it like Hogan's Heros. Do not let the authorities catch you in vice or elder meeting scenarios; do not give grounds to accusations of materialism, politics, false religion. Above all, with respect to life-giving waters, like Stay thirsty, my friends. -
Famines vs American waistlines.
Catholic Cardinal Says Adam and Eve Didnt Exist
by His Excellency in
I would call faith the rational confidence that for two equally probable outcomes, the better outcome will occur. It's not just a fight or flight response - it's somewhat reserved and contemplative, like you can feel it coming on. The reason I call it rational is that even if it is not mathematically rigorous, it satisfies the existence proof. It has, in its nonmathematical way, ensured survival for a subset of life forms. It does this by insuring risk that in the absense of such faith, and to all rational appearances, would not sound prudent. It takes risk to make gains. Even playing by the rules of society is risk, and requires faith. People of a civilized society all operate by at least a little faith. People who defer the gratifications of biological, demonstrable life until a post-biological afterlife of course require a greater faith, to underwrite the greater risk. It would be a tall order to demonstrate conclusively that persons attacking the insolent dogma of TWS are lacking in all faith of all kind. Some may be ok with notions of a superior lifeform. I daresay I have quite a great deal of faith that the species will persist, survive, thrive, and venture up and out of this garden of eden, earth. This faith keeps me going in the face of what you see on the news. It is not a scientific faith.
A day in the life of a fading JW
by dissonance_resolved ini'm five months into my slow fade and it's going so-so.
my saturday morning was spent on a 3-mile jog and taking the kids to the park, which was great, but i'm still shuddering from the potential alternative.
at the last meeting, an elderette literally blocked the exit to prevent my escape and said she just "noticed" that we were in the same field service group and would i like to work with her in service on saturday?
The feeling of the weight lifting off your shoulders, if you've been in long enough, is absolutely true. Any of the rare times that I hear Lisa Gerrard's idoglassia of "Now We are Free" (Gladiator), I am transported back to the day that I crossed the Susquehanna river and geographically left the territory of all the Halifax / Harrisburg / Middletown KHs I had even been a slave in. Getting out is a death, with an afterlife, but you're still alive.
Here's a field-medic diagnostic for guilt.
Is what you're doing physically, mentally or emotionally harming yourself?
Is what you're doing physically, mentally or emotionally harming another?
Is what you're doing resulting in a gain to yourself that is a loss to another?
Is what you're doing against the wishes of someone you know personally?
Is what you're doing against the wishes of someone you do not know personally?
A day in the life of a fading JW
by dissonance_resolved ini'm five months into my slow fade and it's going so-so.
my saturday morning was spent on a 3-mile jog and taking the kids to the park, which was great, but i'm still shuddering from the potential alternative.
at the last meeting, an elderette literally blocked the exit to prevent my escape and said she just "noticed" that we were in the same field service group and would i like to work with her in service on saturday?
You appear circumspect enough to act in many, small, reversible moves. Over time they sum up to an irreversible state, but you maintain control the entire way. (Burning bridges is the other way to achieve an irreversible state...)
Catholic Cardinal Says Adam and Eve Didnt Exist
by His Excellency in
What? HOW do JWs explain the age of the universe with Genesis?
Universe Older Than Previously Thought
And do these sage individuals that Jehovah knows by name and has entrusted with deep insight have anything to say about the mystery of dark matter? That would be a great day if then was finished the great mystery of what makes up most of the mass of the universe. Perhaps the panda cartoons have massive observatories cleverly hidden behind the wheel barrows.
I just realized....
by Muddy Waters ini just realized i've basically lost the past 30 years of culture... listening to music, being rediscovered and discovering new music... political stuff happening around the world and yes, dammit, all that political stuff is important!!!
tons of other things that, thanks to the wts's very diligent application of the i part of the bite method (information control) i am only beginning to find out or discover.... .
JWs were permitted to have only a very broad speculation about the present state of world politics. At least in my time, they were permitted to conceive of politics only to the resolution of extremely large objects, Duplo Politics if you will: continental agreements, multinational organizations analogous to the UN, military analogues to the NATO, and storied Caucasian nations that fed the (I forget the Joseph nobody fart of old) narrative, and historical empires that usefully rotated around the lands of the bible - objects that were so general, so huge, with such a hazy outline, that the WTS spin doctors could bend most scriptures back to them in several ways. So you had JWs speculating in very broad strokes about King of North and South, beasts of Revelations, other cartoon political evils. But civics knowledge of a local kind or of any depth, or insight into a political issue with respect to economics or demographics, or identification with minute and immediately relevant platform or plank was severely frowned upon.
Is The Watchtower Spawning An Entire Industry Of Freedom Fighters?
by Narcissistic Supply in167,000 people cast off annually by the jw's; the number of broken and destroyed families grows to the millions?28 million dollars defending child endangerment?
are you kidding me?10's of millions "mentally diseased apostates" undermining the real estate laundering corporation?800 million in real estate sold in brooklyn *recently* by the jw ficticious business name statement?jehovah witness corporation crawling on its belly like a reptile to upstate new york?big money to be made eating the eyeballs out of the corporation?new tales of jw horror published daily?
What is a useful rule of thumb for having 'broken free mentally'?