Reads like something comical, like the Peanuts / Charlie Brown characters got together over a weekend as jaded adults. The Statements and Sins sound like theatrical expansions on plain "thinking".
Posts by rmt1
Ever considered joining the Church of Satan?
by J. Hofer inevery now and then i read up on the church of satan, most of their principles make sense to me, in the end i'm still leaning to a more humanist world view though.
what's your view on the church of satan?
pragmatic nihilism spiced up with a few funny rituals?
What was the subject of the Watchtower Study this past Sunday?
by Lynnie ini have a psycho cousin that has decided to go back to the jw's after never wanting to be a jw even though.
now in her early thirties she's decided to join up.
i heard her say something about this.
FadeToBlack: "I had to seperate them when she started to cry because he did not want to read it."
This sounds to me like she thought this was a bona fide palm branch, peace offering, pass the pipe, parity of insight, because it was a fresh and timely example of the equivalence between GB words on a page and walking the walk into being examined under time constraint for your knowledge on a professional scientific topic, and then her having that assumption rejected.
Did you ever have a supernatural experience?
by XPeterX inok i know some of you are going to mock me but i don't give a shit and you'd better get dafaq outta this thread if you don't beleive in this stuff.. .
so,you ever seen somethin strange?shadow people?felt cold spots?touched by something you can't see?beaten by an unseen force?heard voices/whispers/growls/screams etc?are you sure about it or was it just your imagination?you ever been into the occult?c'mon share your experiences and stories!personally i've never had an encounter with the other side..
Both my converted JW parents had ghost stories that informed my craving for empirical and reproducable finding. My dad told me that as a child he had been chased by a leprechaun-type non-human who disappeared when looked at directly. He also said that as a teenager he had some kind of understanding with Satan and that Satan taught him how to manipulate people by word and thought. And my mom said that as a child she and some girls had played with a ouija board in the very house we lived at the time, and she said a green gas or spirit left the board, went out that window (she pointed) and came back in this window (she pointed) and then (whatever). One fertile narrative conceit I really enjoy in supernatural thrillers is that you cannot be victimized by what you do not believe in (e.g. Skeleton Key).
Is there anything the WTS could say that would NOT be accepted as fact?
by Faithful Witness inthis is a follow-up from the recent thread from adjustments, addressing the mind control and manipulation the wts uses to threaten the jw's into unquestioning submission.. is there any statemtent they could make, that people would not question?
honestly, if you read their study articles, it is unbelievable what the people will listen to, swallow as "truth," and then regurgitate to others, as if it has always been their belief.
we visited a local kh for the september 8 & 15 lessons on new light.
The GB skirt the edge of what can be proven empirically and try as well as they can to stick to topics that would require a doubter that is constrained to sanctioned information to prove a negative. So, sure. The GB could say, "the sun will not rise tomorrow" and they would break the spell by placing themselves under the scrutiny of the scientific method by the application of universally accessible data. They could say "our printing presses are powered by the Holy Spirit". Of course the GB could screw their own pooch. But of course they will not.
In fact I wish they'd take a risk and equate dark matter with the spirits of the air.
Did you ever have a supernatural experience?
by XPeterX inok i know some of you are going to mock me but i don't give a shit and you'd better get dafaq outta this thread if you don't beleive in this stuff.. .
so,you ever seen somethin strange?shadow people?felt cold spots?touched by something you can't see?beaten by an unseen force?heard voices/whispers/growls/screams etc?are you sure about it or was it just your imagination?you ever been into the occult?c'mon share your experiences and stories!personally i've never had an encounter with the other side..
mmxiv, do fast parse of Michael Persinger's God Helmet.
Did you ever have a supernatural experience?
by XPeterX inok i know some of you are going to mock me but i don't give a shit and you'd better get dafaq outta this thread if you don't beleive in this stuff.. .
so,you ever seen somethin strange?shadow people?felt cold spots?touched by something you can't see?beaten by an unseen force?heard voices/whispers/growls/screams etc?are you sure about it or was it just your imagination?you ever been into the occult?c'mon share your experiences and stories!personally i've never had an encounter with the other side..
I had sleep paralysis once for what seemed like five minutes. Trapped in your own body, can't say anything, but you can look around. Pretty neat - once.
Did you ever have a supernatural experience?
by XPeterX inok i know some of you are going to mock me but i don't give a shit and you'd better get dafaq outta this thread if you don't beleive in this stuff.. .
so,you ever seen somethin strange?shadow people?felt cold spots?touched by something you can't see?beaten by an unseen force?heard voices/whispers/growls/screams etc?are you sure about it or was it just your imagination?you ever been into the occult?c'mon share your experiences and stories!personally i've never had an encounter with the other side..
I am an avid consumer of horror/thriller supernatural suspense film, precisely because you cannot get any in the real world. I approach them as the test and demonstration of the sensitive superstition of my brain which has been fine-tuned over scores of millenia to react swiftly to questions of 'will it hurt me / will it help me'? I absolutely LOVE the chill of a properly executed supernatural moment.
The Governing Body Have Stabbed Many Old Bethelites In The Back By Not Taking Care Of Them In Their Old Age
by frankiespeakin inthese guys are real company men when they have mass lay off of older bethelites tossing them to the curb and making the congregation they are assigned to carry some of the load, so that the watchtower corporation can cut costs of providing for these nolonger young people who have devoted theirs lives to the corporation.. they are heartless bastards aren't they?
i wonder what kind of undercurrent this is causing at headquartes?.
Huzzah, Watchtower-Free. Good one.
I just don't get it.
by quellycatface in.
i know....i'm new to this set up.
apologies for being a dumbo.
"If the truth cannot stand up to scrutiny then what is the point." You haved summed up the fury that is unleashed on those JWs so dishonest with themselves that they must preach to utterly, categorically and irreversibly >EX< -JWs, so as to set them straight on the facts. Welcome to the real.
Surrounded - Yet All Alone at the same Time
by offgrid5150 ini've been lurking for a while,but figured i'd introduce myself.
i was born in, and i'm 30 years old.
it's hard to just read as a guest, and not share with anyone eventually.
You found oxygen by coming here (go see The Bothersome Man, 2006). The remaining needs of life are water, clothing, shelter, etc.
Other people will load you up with water in the form of various truthful readings that are probably free on the internet, and which will help you make more out of your life, which science has so far demonstrated to be not-everlasting.
Clothe yourself in the armor of "meh", which has a non-stick coating so that the appearance of conviction rolls off like so much rain, but the fabric itself is fortified with the camoflage of complacent unwillingness to rock the boat, and this will help you to quench the blow-hard's' fiery bloviations. Above a certain threshold, JWs are trained, drilled, trained, and drilled again to assume that a little bit of "meh" does not in fact mean "screw this!" but means "I'm kind of tired today… Just today…I'll have energy tomorrow…". It is a borg survival mechanism to ensure that all rank and file believe those around them are on board (when that may not be the case) and to only disbelieve that a particular one is not on board when that individual's degree of recalcitrant rocking the boat becomes un-ignorable, at which point they undergo a diametric phase change (see Invasion of the Body Snatchers). Rocking the boat is >>>THE<<< unforgivable sin. All other sins will be reviewed.
For shelter while you are deep in enemy territory, take up a hobby that can get you to a safe mental place. The hobby has to have a red cross on top so the Luftwaffe doesn't bomb on it. Doesn't matter what it is, find a way to carve out time for your own cerebrum, cerebellum, hypocanthus, hand-eye coordination, and whole body movement. It is a medical imperative to get time away from the damage.